The College Chief Warrant Officer

The College Chief Warrant Officer

CWO Scott Howell

CWO Scott Howell

Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Scott Howell enrolled as a Gunner in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1998 at Canadian Forces Recruiting Center in Ottawa, ON. After completing his artillery training, he was posted to 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, in Petawawa, Ontario.

In 2006, he completed selection for the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR).  Upon successful completion of the Special Forces Course, he was posted to CSOR as a Special Forces (SF) Operator. He served in various positions within the Regiment from 2006-2015 and 2017-2020 including roles as Special Forces Detachment Commander, Special Forces Platoon Warrant Officer, Regimental Standards Warrant Officer, and Company Sergeant Major. From 2021-2022 he served as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Canadian Special Operations Training Centre. Following this appointment, he served as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, from 2022-2024.

CWO Howell was posted to United States Special Operations Command at MacDill, AFB at Tampa, Florida from 2015-2017 where he served in a dual capacity as a Liaison Officer and J3-International Operations Division Sergeant Major.

He has deployed on numerous operations to Turkey, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Africa, and Iraq.

His military education includes the Special Forces Course, as well as Second Official Language Education Training. He is a graduate of the Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy (Honour Graduate) – United States - Joint Special Operations University and the Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course at the United States - Joint Force Staff College.

CWO Howell is a recipient of the Chief of Defence Staff Commendation, the Meritorious Service Medal, the United States Joint Service Commendation Medal and is a Member of the Order of Military Merit.

CWO Howell is supported by his wife, Tina, and two daughters, Rachel and Sarah. 



Past RMC Sergeants Major / Chief Warrant Officers / Chief Petty Officers First Class

CWO S.T.E. Howell, MMM, MSM, CD 2024-
Adjuc M.L.L. Alain, CD, RCMS 2021-2024
PM1 M.M Pivin, CD, RCN 2019-2021
CWO G.E. Hoegi, MMM, CD, RCA 2016-2019
CPO1 K.E. Davidson, MMM, CD, RCN 2012-2016
CPO1 E. Lindsay, CD, RCN 2011-2012
CWO A.J. Slack, MMM, CD, RCD 2010-2011
CWO M. Chiasson, CD, C&E 2008-2010
Adjuc J.J.R. Gravel, MMM, CD, R22eR 2006-2008
CPO1 J.R. Dumont, CD, CMS 2004-2006
CWO D.S. McArdle, MMM, CD, PPCLI 2003-2004
Adjuc J.B. Lapointe, MMM, CD, AVN 2001-2003
CWO J.A.D. Perry, CD, ENG 1997-2001
Adjuc L. Beaulne, CD, ING 1994-1997
CWO I.J. Tripp, MMM, CD, RCA 1990-1994
Adjuc D. Fournier, CD, 12e RBC 1986-1990
CWO F.J. Maclean, CD, RCR 1980-1986
CWO R.J. Slaney, OMM, CD, LdSH(RC)      1977-1980   
CWO D.C. Cox, MMM, CD, RCR 1973-1977
CWO G.A. Naylor, CD, RCE 1971-1973
WO I J. McManus, CD, Cdn Guards 1961-1971
WO I J.F. Sininger, CD, RCE 1958-1961
WO I J.E. Coggins, MBE, CD, RCR 1947-1958
WO II N.W. Power, RCE 1942-1946
WO I L.T. O’Riordan, RCR 1942
WO I J.E. Coggins, RCR 1940-1942
WO I J. Wyatt. MBE, DCM, RCR 1933-1940
WO II J.T. Harper, PPCLI 1926-1933
WO II F. Faulkner, PPCLI 1921-1926
WO II F.J. Coldham, RE 1915-1921
Sgt-Maj S.C. Cutbush, S Gds 1911-1915
A/Sgt-Maj A. Boutillier, RCGA 1911
Sgt-Maj J. Keith, DCM 1906-1911
Sgt-Maj W. Prince 1902-1906
Sgt-Maj H. Birtles, RE 1901-1902
Sgt-Maj W. James, PWOR 1899-1901
A/Sgt-Maj H. Birtles, RE 1883-1899
Sgt-Maj J. Mortimer, RHA 1876-1883


Reference: The R.S.M.’s and College Chief Warrant Officers of RMCC – eVeritas (

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