For questions regarding Transfer Credits and Prior Learning Assessment
- Undergraduate
- Graduate Studies
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The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) recognises that significant university level learning can take place outside of post-secondary institutions and as such respects all forms of learning no matter how it is attained.
The aim of RMC Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) is to acknowledge the importance of this learning by providing an accessible, fair and academically rigorous process for assessing this learning to determine whether it meets the standards of university level learning.
The RMC PLAR process involves individual assessment of prior learning by faculty and the awarding of credit when this learning is of the expected range and depth for the particular academic credential requested by the individual.
The purpose of the PLAR process is to recognize all university level learning by ensuring that RMC policies are in line with other Canadian universities.
The goal is to enrich the learning experience of the student and help the student meet his/her academic potential while at the same time maintaining the academic integrity of the Royal Military College of Canada.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Students applying for admission into a programme of study who have completed programmes or courses at other universities, community colleges, International Baccalaureate, Advance Placement, or CEGEP (Collège d'enseignement général et professionel) or professional training courses taken either within the CF or through some other organization (whether in Canada or abroad), may seek to have their prior learning at a university level recognized by RMC.
For sponsored students, in order to ensure that prior learning is assessed in time to apply results to first year scheduling, a copy of student transcripts, course descriptions, and outlines for courses for which recognition is being requested must be forwarded to the RMC PLAR section immediately upon acceptance to RMC. Requests, therefore, should be forwarded before leaving for the Basic Officer Training Course.
- University transfer credits
- Credit for credit earning courses taken at a Canadian university for which a C- or higher has been earned may be granted one for one as unallocated credits (general electives) in any RMC degree (a passing grade may be accepted where specified in a memorandum of understanding or articulation agreement). However, in order for credit to be applied to a specific concentration, minor, or major, or to replace specific courses listed as part of a degree (equivalency), departmental approval is required.
- College transfer credits
- Normally, up to a maximum of 10 transfer credits may be granted for credit earning college courses for which a C- or higher has been earned based on provincial transfer guides or course reviews completed by RMC faculty. In order for any college course to be used to meet the requirements of a specific RMC course (equivalency) or to be applied as part of a minor, major, or concentration, approval of the applicable department is required.
- CEGEP transfer credits
- Normally, up to a maximum of 10 transfer credits may be granted for CEGEP courses based on the following PLAR policy:
- Students who have completed a two-year CEGEP DEC (Diploma) will earn a total of 10 credits. These will consist of Science and Arts course equivalencies as reviewed and approved by faculty, and unallocated Arts or Science in Arts credits.
- Students who have not completed a two-year CEGEP DEC (Diploma) may earn up to a total of 10 credits. These will consist of Science and Arts course equivalencies as reviewed and approved by faculty, and unallocated Arts or Science in Arts credit based on evidence that the given CEGEP course(s) earns credit at any Canadian University.
- Students who have successfully completed the Government of Québec Ministry of Education Examination of College English (épreuve uniforme) will be considered to have met their first year literature requirement (2 credits). Students who have completed at least four CEGEP literature courses in English or French literature with a grade of C or higher in three of the four courses and a C- in the fourth course will earn one unallocated Arts credit. If they have earned a C or higher in all four courses, they will earn 2 unallocated Arts credits. These credits may be used to meet the literature requirements of the BMASc Honours, BMASc, and General thirty credit degrees. Students in any other degree meeting these criteria may request to write a challenge exam to meet their first year literature requirement.
In order for any CEGEP course to be used to meet the requirements of a specific RMC course (equivalency) or to be applied as part of a minor, major, or concentration, approval of the applicable department is required.
- Credit granted
- The Faculty Council of RMC, on the recommendation of a department and the Faculty Board of RMC, may approve university credits based on university level prior learning obtained via any of the following:
- Military courses and qualifications, whether obtained within Canada or abroad, recognized as learning at a university level;
- Professional courses or programmes given by an organization other than a post-secondary institution recognized as learning at the university level;
- The combination of Military courses and RMC courses designated as "top-up" courses to be completed to augment specific military courses and experiential learning to the university-level.
- Second language credits
Important: Language credits are applicable to the following degree programmes only: BMASc (Honours), BMASc, BA (General), BSc (General). These credits are not applicable to certificates.
- Students completing any degree who have achieved the bilingual standard (BBB) on official language tests will be awarded an unallocated junior credit on their initial assessment. For comprehension, writing, and speaking, students will be awarded an additional credit for each score indicating fluency or better (C or E). A maximum of four such credits will be awarded for a student's second official language. A further two credits may be awarded on the same basis for other languages, subject to formal testing, for a maximum of 6 language credits.
Documentation required for transfer credit review
In order to complete a PLAR review for transfer credits the following documentation is required immediately upon acceptance to RMC for sponsored on site students and as part of the Admissions application for distance learning students:
- Official Transcripts from the post-secondary institutions, whether universities, colleges or CEGEP, at which programmes or courses have been completed;
- Course Outlines for CEGEP and College courses as requested;
- Course Descriptions for University courses to be reviewed and outlines as requested;
- Request for Prior Learning Assessment Application Form (for distance learning students).
- Request for transfer credits
- Prior Learning Assessment reviews are completed for RMC students only. You may request an initial assessment as part of the Admissions process by completing the Admissions form.
- If you are already a Distance learning student: To request a PLAR review please complete the “Request for Prior Learning Assessment” form found on My Services.
- Distance learning students who wish to take courses at other institutions for credits towards their degree programme must obtain prior written permission in the form of a letter of permission. The course(s) so taken must satisfy a requirement identified in the student's programme plan. Failure to obtain permission prior to the course start date may result in credits not being acceptable. A course calendar description must be submitted with the Request for a Letter of Permission. The number of instructional hours should be clearly indicated. Normally, at least four weeks should be allowed for the request to be processed. For further information contact your Programme representative.
- For sponsored ROTP/RETP students, a PLAR request form is not required. In order to ensure that prior learning is assessed in time to apply results to first year scheduling, a copy of student transcripts, course descriptions, and outlines for courses for which recognition is being requested must be forwarded to the RMC PLAR section immediately upon acceptance to RMC. Requests, therefore, should be forwarded before leaving for the Basic Officer Training Course.
- ROTP/RETP students who wish to take courses at other institutions for credits towards their degree programme must obtain prior written permission in the form of a letter of permission. The course(s) so taken must satisfy a requirement identified in the student's programme plan. Failure to obtain permission prior to the course start date may result in credits not being acceptable. For further information contact the Undergraduate Academic Office.
Documentation required for credit granted review
In order to complete a PLAR review for credit granted the following documentation is required immediately upon acceptance to RMC for sponsored on site students and as part of the Admissions application for distance learning students:
- A Military Personnel Record Resume (MPRR) for Regular Force Members;
- A Record of Service for Reserve Force Members;
- Course Training Reports for courses listed on the RMC Table of Credit Granted;
- Course Training Plan and Course Material for DND courses not on the RMC Table of Credit Granted;
- Certificate of Completion for Professional level courses;
- Course Manual and Course Material for non-DND Professional level courses not on the RMC Table of Credit Granted;
- Request for Prior Learning Assessment Application Form.
- Request for credit granted
- Prior Learning Assessment Reviews are completed for RMC students only. You may request an initial assessment as part of the Admissions process by completing the Admissions form.
- If you are already a Distance Learning Students: To request a PLAR review please complete the “Request for Prior Learning Assessment” form found on My Services.
- Questions?
- For questions regarding Transfer Credits and Prior Learning Assessment (Undergraduate) please send an email to
- For questions regarding Transfer Credits and Prior Learning Assessment (Graduate) please send an email to the applicable Graduate Studies representative.