Mark Benson is a professor emeritus in the Department of French, Literature, and Culture. After obtaining his doctorate from McGill University, he taught at Memorial University and at St. Francis Xavier University before coming to Kingston in 1995. He was chairman of the department for eight years (2001-2009). He taught a number of specialty courses---the Quebec novel and short story, French literature of the Middle Ages, French and Quebec war literature, French-Canadian civilisation---as well as more general first and second year courses. His current research interests lie in sports literature. His pastimes include theatre, gardening and cycling.
Fields of Specialization
- Quebec novel and short story
- French literature of the Middle Ages
- French and Quebec war literature
- the erotic in literature
- sport and literature
- La quête érotique d'Yves Thériault. Bern, Éditions Peter Lang, 2008.
Collective Works
- "La littérarisation du conte québécois", in M'amie, faites-moi un bouquet. Book dedicated to Conrad Laforte. Les archives du folklore, Presses de l'Université Laval, 2011 : 207-222.
- "Yves Thériault, un vert avant la lettre". Canadian Literature, vol. 209, (summer 2011) : 90-106.
- "Le combat de Jean-Jules Richard : Le feu dans l'amiante". @nalyses, " Devenir soi avec les autres. Identité et altérité dans les littératures francophones du Canada", vol. 6, no 1, (winter 2011).
- "Guerre et Littérature. Bibliographie critique", Nouvelles Études Francophones. Special dossier: Guerre et Littérature, 24.2 (autumn 2009): 124-127.
- "Présentation du numéro", Nouvelles Études Francophones. Special dossier: Guerre et Littérature, 24.2 (autumn 2009): 23-27.
International Societies
- Conseil international d'études francophones (CIÉF)