Roy A. Prete

Roy Prete
Roy A. Prete
Ph.D. Emeritus Professor
(613) 541-6000 ext 6234
(613) 541-6056
Department of History

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Roy A. Prete is Emeritus Professor of History with fields in Modern European and Canadian History. He has taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses, mostly in French, in European diplomatic and military history. Dr. Prete has presented numerous papers at academic conferences and has published in leading scholarly journals several articles on World War I, particularly on Anglo-French military relations. He is completing a trilogy of volumes entitled, Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914-1916. The first volume on 1914 was published by McGill-Queen's University Press in 2009. In recent years, Dr. Prete has developed a secondary field in Latter-day Saint religious and historical studies, with significant publications to his credit.

University Degrees

  • Ph.D. (Alberta)
  • M.A. (Brigham Young)
  • B.A. (Saskatchewan)

Research Interests

  • Major Field: Anglo-French political and military relations in World War I
  • Secondary Field: Latter-day Saint religious and historical studies

Courses Taught

  • HIF 384 - L'Europe moderne et contemporaine depuis 1500
  • HIF 340A - La Première Guerre mondiale
  • HIF 342B - La Seconde Guerre mondiale
  • HIF 470 - La stratégie et les stratèges
  • HIE 470 - Strategy and Strategists
  • WS 528 - Economics and Strategy in 20th Century World Wars
  • HIF 379B - La guerre froide--relations internationales, 1945-1991
  • HIF 455A - Les origines historiques des crises de notre temps
  • HIF 289A - L'impact de la science et de la technologie depuis 1500
  • HIF 203B - Histoire militaire du Canada

Main Publications

Major Field

  • Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914 (Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009).
  • Joffre and the Origins of the Somme: A Study in Allied Military Planning, The Journal of Military History 73 (April 2009), 417-48
  • Primacy of Policy: Anglo-French Command Relations on the Western Front, 1914-1918, Invited lecture (Powerpoint), Meeting of the Great War Society, San Francisco, CA, 10-13 April 2003, published on CD Rom (2004), in Great War Society 1914-18: Papers from the French 2003, German 2000, American 1999, Seminars.
  • Imbroglio par excellence : Mounting the Salonika Campaign, September-October 1915, War and Society, 19/1 (May 2001), 47-70.
  • Les relations franco-britanniques et l'attaque au gaz allemande B Ypres, avril 1915, La Première Guerre mondiale et le Canada: Contribution sociomilitires québécoises, Under the direction of Roch Legault an Jean Lamarre (Montréal: Méridien, 1999), 225-40.
  • Le conflit stratégique franco-britannique sur le front occidental et la conférence de Calais du 6 juillet, 1915, Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 186 (April 1997), 17-49.

Secondary Field

  • Roy A. Prete, ed., Brian Q. Cannon, Richard O. Cowan, D. Mark Prescott, Craig J. Ostler, assoc. eds., Window of Faith: Latter Day Saint Perspectives on World History (Provo, Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center, 2005). Contributions of Roy A. Prete:
  • Preface, Thematic Overviews, Parts 1-4, Epilogue, ix-xi, 13-15,121-23, 257-60, 425-26, 535-39;
  • Merging the Secular and the Spiritual, 125-42;
  • How Has God Intervened in History? 175-195;
  • With Sherilyn Farnes, The Discovery Process; Spiritual and Secular Parallels, 231-55;
  • With Robert R. Newell, Carma T. Prete, European Origins of Freedom in America, 311-29.
  • Roy A. Prete, God in History? Nephi's Answer, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, 14/2 (Fall 2005), 26-37, 71.

Tertiary Field

  • Roy A. Prete, General Editor (and author of two chapters), Embracing the Future: Preparing for Life After Retirement (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 2011).
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