Dr. David Wehlau

Dr. David Wehlau
Girouard building, room 308
(613) 541-6000 ext 6469
(613) 541-6584
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Research Interests

  • Algebraic Groups
  • Invariant Theory
  • Representation of Quivers
  • Galois Geometries
  • Graph Theory

My scientific interests:

  • Equidimensionality, coregularity, and cofreeness of group representations; The Popov (or Russian) conjecture
  • Constructive Invariant Theory
  • The Dixmier conjecture for irreducible representations of SL(2,C)
  • Invariants of Modular Representations of Finite Groups
  • Caps and Maximal line free subsets of projective spaces
  • Steiner triple systems and colouring problems
  • Cook's Theorem and Non-Deterministic Computers

I work with some very smart people. The ones I work with on a daily basis include Aiden Bruen, Eddy Campbell, Lucien Haddad, Ian Hughes and Jim Shank.

Short Biography

I completed my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at Western University in 1983. I completed my Master's degree in 1984 at Brandeis University in Boston under the supervision of Dr. P. Monsky. I received my Ph.D. also from Brandeis in 1989 under the supervision of Dr. G. Schwarz on the topic of Invariant Theory of Algebraic Groups. I was an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto during the period 1988-1992.

In 1992 I joined the faculty at RMC and became a full professor in 1998. I have served terms as Associate Dean of Science and Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at RMC. I have been awarded the John Scott Cowan Prize for Research Excellence (2012) and the Class of 1965 Teaching Excellence Award (2002).

I have supervised or co-supervised seven Ph.D. students, seventeen post-doctoral fellows, twenty-two Master's students and a large number of undergraduate students.

During the years 1994-2000 I was coach of the RMC Badminton Team. A highlight was finishing the 98-99 season ranked 9th in the country.

I live in downtown Kingston in a Victorian house with my wife, our daughter, and two cats.

Current Academic Activities


  • Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Royal Military College of Canada
  • Professor (Cross-Appointment) of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's University

Home Page at Queen's

Selected Publications


  • H.E.A. Campbell and D.L. Wehlau. Modular invariant theory Encyclopaedia of Mathematics series, Vol. 139, Springer-Verlag, 1st Edition., 2011, XIII, 233 p., ISBN: 978-3-642-17403-2 eBook: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17404-9
  • Aiden A. Bruen and David L. Wehlau. Editors Error Correcting Codes, Finite Geometries and Cryptography Contemporary Mathematics, 523 American Mathematical Society 2010, Providence RI, 244 pages, ISBN: 978–0–8218–4956–9.


  • William Traves and David L. Wehlau. Ten points on a cubic curve (to appear Amer. Math. Monthly)
  • I. Dimitrov, C. Paquette, D. Wehlau and T. Xu. Subregular J-Rings of Coxeter Systems Via Quiver Path Algebras J. Algebra (in press)
  • H.E.A. Campbell, Aloysius Helminck, Hanspeter Kraft and David Wehlau, Editors Symmetry and Spaces. In Honor of Gerry Schwarz. Progress in Mathematics, 278, Birkh ̈auser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2010. xx+207 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8176-4874-9.
  • G. Schwarz and D. Wehlau. Invariants of four subspaces Ann. Inst. Fourier, 48 No. 3 (1998) 667–697.
  • David L. Wehlau. Invariants for the Modular Cyclic Group of Prime Order via Classical Invariant Theory J. European Math. Soc., 15 No. 3, 2013, 775-803 DOI: 10.4171/JEMS/376. arXiv:0912.1107v2 [math.RA].
  • Jan Draisma, Gregor Kemper and David L. Wehlau. Polarization of Separating Invariants, Canad. J. Math. 60 (2008), No. 3, 556–571.
  • D.L. Wehlau. Constructive invariant theory for tori Ann. Inst. Fourier, 43 No. 4 (1993) 1055–1066.

Publications available on  Google Scholar

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