Aerospace Vehicle Analysis and Design
Research in this area focuses on the development and application of multi-fidelity and multi-disciplinary design algorithms and techniques for the development of advanced air vehicle concepts. On going research includes: - the development of an integrated framework for the design and optimization of novel aircraft concepts, - the multi-disciplinary design optimization of non-planar lifting surface aircraft configurations, - the analysis and design of environmentally friendlier aircraft design configurations.
For more information please contact Dr. Ruben E. Perez.
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Numerical Optimization
Research in this area focuses on the study and development of multidisciplinary analysis strategies and constrained optimization algorithms and techniques for the solution of complex engineering design problems. On going research in this areas include: - the study of current multidisciplinary analysis approaches and the development of new multidisciplinary design optimization decomposition strategies that better suit real engineering design problems, - the study and development of efficient algorithms for the solution of global constrained optimization problems with non-linear and non-convex design spaces using soft-computing and swarm intelligence algorithms, - the development of unified optimization framework for the definition, solution and benchmarking of nonlinear constrained optimization problems in an efficient, reusable, and portable manner.
For more information please contact Dr. Ruben E. Perez.