Dr. Jennifer A. Shore

Jennifer A. Shore
Dr. Jennifer A. Shore
BMath, PhD
Professor, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science, Academic Colleague
Sawyer Building, Room 5306
(613) 541-6000 ext 3646; CSN 271-3646
Department of Physics and Space Science

College Address

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
K7K 7B4

Research field: Physical Oceanography

Dr. Shore uses numerical ocean models to study circulation and transport in lakes and oceans and run simulations on the High Performance Computing Virtual Laboratory at Queens University.



The RMC SQUID (Surface Quinte Unmanned Ideal Drifter) Project. Monitoring the surface circulation in the Bay of Quinte with GPS drifters.

SQUID trial


A complete publication list is available from Google Scholar.

Current and Former Students: 

Undergraduate Students
Name Year
Matthew Hagkull 2022
Jackson Nicholls 2022
Nichole White 2021
Joey Salari   2021
Harris Cornette 2020
Matthew Knight 2019
Nick Uhthoff 2019
Jacob Millward 2016
Jeremy Gaulin 2015
Vanessa Banks 2014
Graduate Students
Name Year
Lt(N) Sarwesh Mali (Ph.D.) 2022
Miles Wilson (Ph.D.) 2020
Miles Wilson (M.Sc.) 2011
Shannon Nudds (M.Sc.) 2009


Comments or suggestions are welcomed at: bryce.bennett@rmc-cmr.ca

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