Table of Contents
- Welcome
- RMC My Services
- Student Contact Information
- Admission
- Student Financial Aid
- Transcript and Document Requests
- Prior Learning Assessment & Transfer Credits (Undergraduate)
- Course Registrations
- Withdrawal from a Course and Course Extension
- Obtaining Course Materials and Accessing Your Course
- Student Cards and Library Services
- How to Succeed in an Online Course
- Assignments
- Final Examination
- Change of Academic Programme and Re-admission
- Graduation
- Academic Regulations
1 Welcome
A warm welcome to all undergraduate students taking RMC Online courses. We hope you will find your online courses useful and engaging and we wish you success in your academic and professional pursuits.
The Guide to Undergraduate Distance Education is designed to give students an overview of the policies and procedures of RMC Online, guidance on how to succeed in an online course, and information about the support services provided.
Distance Learning courses are offered online (Internet) through Moodle, RMC’s Learning Management System.
2 RMC My Services
Used by students and instructors, My Services is an Internet-based means of accessing academic and administrative services, as well as a communication tool. It allows students to:
- register online,
- pay their course registration fees,
- verify their course registration status,
- print tuition fees, student summary and T2202A,
- view and update their personal information (email and mailing address),
- view instructor contact information,
- view the required textbook(s) for their course, and
- view final marks for all courses completed at RMC.
Students can also use My Services to:
- withdraw from a course,
- communicate with their instructors, and
- access library information, services and learning resources online.
For more information on the available services, refer to the My Services home page. My Services logon credentials will be sent via email to DL students upon enrolment. If you have not received or have forgotten your My Services account information, please contact
3 Student Contact Information
It is very important that RMC have accurate information, including a student’s mailing address, telephone number and their personal email address (an alternate to their RMC email address). Throughout the semester, RMC may need to contact students regarding course-related issues. It is the responsibility of students to update and maintain their personal information for contact purposes.
Please update your personal information via My Services under Personal Info.
4 Admission
All students interested in pursuing undergraduate studies at RMC should visit Admissions Eligibility and Entry for further information.
5 Student Financial Aid
A number of financial aid programs are available to students pursuing university studies at RMC. Please consult Student Financial Aid.
6 Transcript and Document Requests
For transcript or other document requests, please visit Transcript and Document Requests or Email:
7 Prior Learning Assessment & Transfer Credits (Undergraduate)
For more information on assessment of prior learning, recognition and awarding of credits please visit: Prior Learning Assessment & Transfer Credits.
8 Course Registrations
Students admitted to a programme of study at RMC may register for courses via My Services. The list of undergraduate courses offered online is available at UG Course Offerings for Distance Education. For more information, contact an Undergraduate Studies Programme Representative.
8.1 Registration Periods
Please visit Dates specific to RMC Online students for registration periods for online courses.
For the list of RMC Academic Fees, please visit:
RMC Academic Fees
8.2 Registration in Courses at Another University
RMC students who wish to take courses at other institutions for credits towards their degree programme must obtain prior written permission in the form of a Letter of Permission. See Academic Regulation 8.9 Letter of Permission.
To obtain a Letter of Permission (LoP), students must first request an official Confirmation of Equivalency (CoE) email from PLAR to establish that the course earns credit at RMC. PLAR will attach a Request for Letter of Permission form to the CoE, which is also available on My Services under the Documents and Forms tab. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the course taken satisfies a requirement identified in their programme of study. Students must not register in any external courses until they receive a Letter of Permission. Failure to obtain permission prior to the course start date will result in the denial of credit.
In all but a few situations, a grade of C- (60%) or higher is required in order to earn credit. Upon completion of a course, the student must arrange to have the other institution send an official copy of their transcript directly to RMC PLAR in order to have their transcript updated.
Along with several other francophone universities in Canada, RMC signed an agreement that facilitates RMC students’ registration for courses offered at these institutions. The Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC) website provides a list of member universities. Click on the links to access the course catalogues of these institutions. Note that the agreement between RMC and the ACUFC and several of its members does not include the clause concerning accepting the minimum pass grade or waiving the Letter of Permission fee.
Interest Only and Visiting students may not request a Letter of Permission.
9 Withdrawal from a Course and Course Extension
9.1 Withdrawal from a Course
Students intending to withdraw from a course must officially do so through My Services. For more info please contact an Undergraduate Studies Programme Representative.
Also please, refer to Academic Regulations - Undergraduate (# 6, 7, and 18).
9.2 Course Extension
A distance student enrolled in an Undergraduate Programme of Study who, after the 49th day after the beginning of the course is confronted with an unforeseen situation that would make it difficult or impossible to hand in the assignments in the course on time to meet the prescribed due dates and thus to complete the course within the prescribed time limit, should consider applying for a course extension using the form Request for a Course Extension (Undergraduate). The form is available on My Services under the Documents and Forms tab.
If, prior to the end of the course, the student requests an extension, he or she may do so by filing an official Request for a Course Extension of up to one session, citing one of three possible reasons:
- Deployment/Operational
- Medical
- Exceptional circumstances
In citing one of the above reasons, the student filing this request must:
- Provide written proof of the deployment/operational engagement preventing him or her from completing the course (a copy of the order to deploy or a note from the Commanding Officer (CO)). If such proof is provided, no Course Extension Fee or Final Exam Re scheduling Fee is applicable. It is expected that the student filing the request will be able to complete the course, including taking the final exam, within four months of the end of the session;
- Provide a note from his or her physician testifying to a temporary medical incapacity that prevents the student from completing his or her assignments by the end of the course, but that should not prevent him or her from completing the course, including taking the final exam, if a four-month extension is granted. If such proof is provided, no Course Extension Fee or Final Exam Rescheduling Fee is applicable; or
- If the request is motivated by an exceptional circumstance, provide substantiation and payment information. The fee for a Course Extension is indicated on the form. If there is a final exam in the course for which the extension is requested, the Final Exam Rescheduling Fee may also be applicable.
If the extension request was granted and justified by a deployment/operational or medical reason, and by the end of the extension period, the student has not completed the course, he or she will be withdrawn from the course and his or her transcript will show WD against this course.
If the request for a Course Extension is motivated by an exceptional circumstance, and the student has failed to complete the course within the extended period, including taking the final exam, a final mark will be entered, resulting in most cases in a failed course.
The Request for a Course Extension should be submitted as soon as the need for extension is identified and always before the last day of classes. If penalties are applied in your course for work submitted after the deadline, they will continue to be applicable until a course extension is received. All the assignments and coursework must be submitted in order to be allowed to write the exam. Your instructor cannot grant a course extension beyond the end of session. A course extension is granted by the head of the appropriate department. RMC will not accept a Request for a Course Extension filed after the last day of classes.
For more info, please contact an Undergraduate Studies Programme Representative.
Note: Students are strongly encouraged to contact their instructor before filing this request. However, failure to contact the instructor in a timely manner cannot serve as an excuse for late filing of the request. It is strongly advised that the student contact the instructor to discuss whether it would be best for the student to submit the Undergraduate Course Withdrawal, or the Request for a Course Extension, when the reason for requesting a Course Extension is a deployment / operational, medical or exceptional circumstance. Please also note that if a course extension is granted, another instructor may be assigned to grade the assignments and the final exam.
10 Obtaining Course Materials and Accessing Your Course
10.1 Textbooks
Some RMC Online courses require textbooks, which are essential for the successful completion of the course. Undergraduate DL students should wait until they see confirmation via My Services of their registration in a course before buying any textbooks.
Once students log onto their course on Moodle, they will see information about what textbook(s) to buy and guidance about where to buy them.
Students can also see the list of required textbooks for their course by going to the Textbook Search Engine – Historical Textbooks in My Services and selecting the course code and choosing Section 100, which indicates the DL offering of the course.
If students are advised to purchase their textbook(s) through The Campus Bookstore at Queen’s University, they should go to the Campus Bookstore website and, using the Textbook Search Engine, select the correct book(s). Orders can also be placed by calling 613-533-2955 or 1-800-267-9478.
Regardless of whether they are directed to buy their books at Queen’s Campus Bookstore or through a site such as, students are advised to make certain that the textbook edition is correct, and that the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) matches the one listed on the course homepage in Moodle and/or in the My Services textbook search engine. A book with a different ISBN may not be identical to the required textbook for the course.
Q: What does it mean when the Campus Bookstore at Queen's University website mentions that for a given textbook, the quantity available is "0"?
A: The Bookstore may be short on books, in which case the availability shows "0." However, the student should not assume that the Bookstore is unable to provide the textbook; instead, the student should fill out the order form and send it to the Bookstore. The Bookstore will then find a textbook for the student. The student will be advised if the Bookstore expects problems in obtaining the textbook. Once the Bookstore has a copy of the textbook, it typically takes 2 to 3 business days to send the book to a location in Ontario, and 5 business days for a location outside Ontario. For overseas locations, timings vary greatly depending on the country. If you have any concerns regarding your order, you can email the Bookstore at to obtain more information.
10.2 Accessing Your Course
Students should have access to their Moodle course several days before the start of class. (Note that the instructors should contact their students one week prior to start of class, and in their introductory message, should also advise the students when they will get access to their Moodle course.) Students who cannot access their course on the Friday before the first day of class should contact their instructor. If the instructor does not respond, they should contact
11 Student Cards and Library Services
Students enrolled with RMC may receive a student card upon request. In order to request it, students must contact an Undergraduate Studies Programme Representative.
All RMC students, including those registered as Visiting or Interest-only students, have access to all learning resources and documents available online through the RMC My Services. Please contact or (613) 541-6000 ext. 6343 to request access to My Services.
Through a reciprocal arrangement, RMC students are also permitted in-person borrowing of materials at other university libraries. In most cases, all that is required is an RMC photo id or an inter-university borrower card. DL students located in the vicinity of Kingston can contact the RMC Massey Library to discuss borrowing privileges.
12 How to Succeed in an Online Course
Taking an online course can be a very rewarding experience. Here are some tools and strategies that can help you achieve your learning goals:
- Complete the Moodle tutorials entitled:
- How to Succeed in an Online Course
- Study Skills and
- Mental Health and Student Wellness
- to access the above courses you need to login to Moodle and you may need to self-enroll in the course you want to take.
- Ensure that you have all the materials necessary to get started on your course, including academic material, textbooks and learning aids the instructor has determined necessary.
- Allot a specific amount of time each day, or each week, to study in a quiet place away from distractions.
- Pay close attention to the assignment due dates. Working back from the assignment due date, plan a schedule to complete the work and to submit the assignment on time.
12.1 Writing and Math Support for Students in Online Courses
The RMC Writing Centre and the Math Centre are available to provide assistance and support to RMC online students.
- To coordinate assistance, or any other special requirements, with the Math Centre or contact
- For assistance with any written assignment or presentation and to book an appointment, please visit the Writing Centre.
There are a number of very helpful reference books to aid students in writing. The following resources are just a few suggestions:
- A Military Writer's Handbook
- Buckley, Joan. Fit to Print: The Canadian Student’s Guide to Essay Writing
- Casson, Leslie E. A Writer’s Handbook: Developing Writing Skills for Canadian University Students
13 Assignments
13.1 General Instructions on Submitting Assignments
Assignments for undergraduate online courses are to be submitted electronically via the course’s Moodle page.
If you do not have an RMC Moodle account, please contact or (613) 541-6000 ext. 6343 during working hours (8:00-16:00 EST).
To submit your assignment from your RMC Moodle course, follow the steps below:
- Log on to your Moodle course
- Click on the assignment activity (icon
, with associated text like Assignment 1)
- Follow directions to upload the assignment and accept the submission statement.
- Some courses use Turnitin assignments for checking academic integrity. These types of assignments have a Turnitin icon
Note: Some undergraduate online courses will require students to include graphics, equations and other symbols (e.g., mathematical symbols) in their assignments. Students may experience special challenges in creating these items in a format compatible with their word processing editor. Two approaches are recommended:
- Use a commercial or freeware specialty software program to make the necessary graphics, equations (e.g., Microsoft Equation Editor) or other symbols and then insert them into the word processing document containing your assignment. Many freely available tutorials and specialty software programmes exist on the internet that can assist students with this process. Consult with your instructor as he/she may be able to provide additional guidance or advice on appropriate specialty software; or
- Hand-draw graphs, equations or special symbols in your assignment and then scan or capture your hardcopy document into an electronic format with a document scanner or digital camera such that the resolution is sufficient to allow the instructor to read and grade the assignment. As a guide, scan documents at a scale of 100% and a resolution of 150 to 200 dpi. Save image file(s) as a .pdf, .tiff, or .jpg (avoid using a file type of .bmp as these files are too large).
The submitted assignment will be recorded in the database, which will allow your instructor to retrieve it for marking.
Note: Keep a copy of all your assignments until you receive your final grade. Problems can occur when transmitting and assignments may need to be re-submitted.
For further assistance in submitting your assignment:
Contact RMC Support at
RMC and its faculty members reserve the right to employ originality checking and plagiarism detection instruments or services to protect, preserve and promote the academic integrity of the credits and degrees it grants. Students enrolled in an RMC online course may, as part of the requirements to receive credit for that course, be required to submit their work to such originality checking and plagiarism detection instruments or services.
Distance learning students are expected to uphold the values of RMC and follow the college’s regulations regarding academic integrity, as stated in RMC’s Academic Regulations, Section 23. These regulations also apply to the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). Instructors should indicate to students if they are permitted to use GenAI tools, in what circumstances, and how they should indicate they have used them. Unauthorized use of GenAI tools in coursework may constitute a violation of academic integrity. When in doubt, ask your instructor.
Please note that “It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand Section 23 of the RMC Academic Regulations. There are serious repercussions for students who are found guilty of an academic integrity violation.”
You are strongly encouraged to familiarize yourself with the content of the Moodle course titled AI100 - Academic Integrity for RMC Students (students must self-enroll).
13.2 Submitting a Late Assignment
You must notify the instructor if an assignment is going to be late; failure to do so may result in a penalty.
13.3 Returning Graded Assignments
Instructors are advised that assignments are to be returned within two weeks of their due date or before submission of the next assignment.
In accordance with RMC Undergraduate Academic Regulations #10, the instructor may refuse a student permission to write a final examination if the requirements with regard to course work have not been met. In addition, normally, all assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the Department concerned prior to the last day of the session in which the course is offered in order for the student to complete the course.
14 Final Examination
The format of the final exam will be determined by the instructor. There are no in-person proctored exams at this time.
15 Change of Academic Programme and Re-admission
15.1 Change of Programme of Study
The Interest Only Student wanting to apply to a programme of study offered by RMC or the student enrolled in an undergraduate programme wanting to switch to another programme of study must fill out the Request to Change Programme and submit it, by regular mail, or by fax with all required documents, as mentioned on the form, to the Admissions Office. The form is available on My Services under the Documents and Forms tab.
The general criteria for admission into RMC undergraduate programmes can be found on the RMC website under Admission.
Students applying for admission into a programme of study who have completed programmes or courses at other universities or community colleges or professional training courses taken either within the CAF or through some other organization, whether in Canada or abroad, may seek to have their prior learning at a university level recognized by RMC. A prior learning assessment is part of the admissions process and is normally completed once PLAR receives confirmation from Admissions of a student’s acceptance in either a degree or certificate programme at RMC. A student is under no obligation to accept transfer credits or other credit granted for prior learning.
It should be noted that admission into another academic programme does not guarantee the recognition of transfer credits or of credits that were granted in the current programme of study. Once RMC PLAR is notified of a student’s change of programme, their file is reassessed for possible transfer credits or other credit granted for prior learning. This new assessment will be based on equivalencies and policies in place at the time of the assessment, which may result in the loss or gain of certain credits.
Also, please refer to Academic Regulations – Undergraduate (# 6).
15.2 Re-admittance
Students who have not completed a course or received credit counting towards their academic programme in over two years will be considered inactive and automatically withdrawn from their programme of study.
Inactive students enrolled in an undergraduate programme of study will receive an email from RMC informing them of their imminent withdrawal from their programme of study. They will be encouraged to register in a course for the next session before the end of the registration period. At the end of the registration period, all inactive students not registered in a course for the next session will be withdrawn from their programme of study. They may apply at any time thereafter to be re-admitted into the same or into another programme of study offered by RMC. However, their application for re-admittance will be treated by RMC as a new application, will be subject to fees, and their academic record will be subjected to a new assessment. Furthermore, programme requirements may have changed since the first enrolment of the student seeking re-admittance. Students seeking re-admittance must either contact the Office of the Registrar: Office of the Registrar or
RMC Academic Regulations - Undergraduate #19 allows students who have been withdrawn from their programme of study for academic reasons, such as having failed a mandatory course twice or having failed a certain number of courses to apply for re-admittance into the same programme, but not before at least a full year has elapsed since they were withdrawn. However, students who are withdrawn from a programme of study for academic reasons may immediately apply for admission into another programme of study by either contacting the Office of the Registrar or
Students withdrawn from their programme of study because of Academic Misconduct will under no circumstance be re-admitted to RMC.
16 Graduation
All RMC students who satisfy the degree requirements for their programme of study are invited to apply to graduate and attend the May or November Convocations at the Royal Military College of Canada or the June Convocation at the Canadian Forces College. All students are reminded that in order to graduate and receive the appropriate diploma you must first apply for graduation by completing and forwarding the "Application to Graduate Form" to the Registrar's Office. The form is available via My Services under Documents and Forms tab.
17 Academic Regulations
We encourage RMC students to become familiar with all the Academic Regulations - Undergraduate.