Compliance Report on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Planning Goals


Canada Research Chair Program, Royal Military College of Canada 2023

In compliance with the requirements of the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP), the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) hereby submits this report on the progress achieved during 2023-2024.

Objective 1: Align RMC’s strategic plans, administrative processes (including hiring, nominations and career progression), and ongoing environmental reviews in a synergetic fashion to accomplish EDI goals.

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

Development of mandatory and optional training on unconscious bias, utilizing best practices in hiring and appointments for senior management at the academic level (Deans, etc.), cultural competency (French language gender and EDI inclusive) and utilizing EDI best practices in hiring were identified as key priorities.

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:

  • Coaching on cultural competencies and implementation of EDI in institutional processes for the hiring committees were implemented for the Offices of the Vice-Principal Research and the Principal of the RMC, in accordance with the RMC EDI Action Plan.
  • The process for hiring and appointments was developed by the EDI Officer (EDIO) and an EDI Committee and endorsed by the Principal.
  • Reference materials were provided to identify common difficulties and best practices in the implementation of EDI measures in institutional processes.

Qualitative and quantitative data gathered:

  • Coaching on cultural competencies in EDI (including in leadership, communication etc.) in institutional processes for hiring, appointments, promotion has been developed by the Senior external consultant and reports with data analysis is available. The consultation included upgrading the level of competency for the institution to facilitate an appropriate and effective implementation of the Action Plan.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

Reference materials and reports have been developed to identify core competencies required in the implementation of EDI measures in institutional processes.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

Measure 1.1: Contracting Senior Consultants for the review of EDI competencies and data gathering/evaluation for hiring and appointments (completed).

Measure 1.2: Review of hiring documents and development of the new EDI friendly process for hiring and appointments (completed in 2023).

Measure 1.3: Examine RMC Policies and procedures and suggest to hiring committees’ key competencies and rubrics for hiring of Senior management.

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?

Yes, the stipend was utilized for hiring of one of the key senior consultants. Because of this initial seed funding, RMC was able to allocate additional funds for hiring additional consultants for reviewing key EDI processes, conducting unconscious bias workshops for hiring committees and for additional data collection in the gender and anti-racism.

Objective 2: Raise awareness of EDI best practices and lessons learned both internally (RMC community) and externally (Canadian and global universities) – 2023-2024

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

Systemic barriers were identified as a lack of sharing of best practices nationally (in Canada) and globally (with international partners). There is a need to establish and maintain awareness of EDI best practices and lessons learned internally and externally that will allow RMC to reduce institutional barriers. 

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:


  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer (EDIO) with the guidance of Vice Principal Research (VPR) was able to identify key strategic directions in sharing best practices at the RMC, in Canada and internationally. 
  • A series of Gender Inclusive French workshops were conducted in 2023-2024 by researchers from leading Quebec universities and non-for-profit sector to focus on action learning and create an inclusive environment for RMC faculty and staff. Overall, the goal was providing guidance to staff on gender and EDI sensitive language in FrenchThis knowledge could be applied to any type of communication, whether it is oral or written, formal or informal, or addressed to an internal or external audience. Reference material in French inclusive has been provided to the faculty, staff and researchers to highlight best practices in the implementation of EDI friendly lingo and enhance institutional processes.
  • EDI in Grant Writing Workshop was provided by the Senior Consultant and EDIO to all faculty and researchers at RMC to strengthen EDI component in grant writing and share best practices from other academic institutions.
  • A lecture for all RMC staff was delivered by the Senior Expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gender/Anti-Racism. The lecture focused on the critical examination of bias in AI, specifically regarding gender and race, and its consequences for equality and how biases are transferred into AI systems from human data, perpetuating existing inequalities. The session shared a large range of real-world examples, their challenges, and explore opportunities for positive changes. Potential actions were proposed to address these biases to align AI with equitable values.
  • EDIO liaised with RMC alumni to share knowledge and best practices about the EDI journey. As a result, the class of 1988 was able to allocate funding for RMC EDI initiatives.
  • EDIO, as a co-chair of the Women’s Rights Policy Group (Canada wide network aimed at sharing best practices and lessons learned in the governmental, non for profit and academic circle) facilitated ongoing sharing with the group about RMC progress and obtained comments and suggestions from the key leaders in the field. These suggestions were aimed at reducing institutional barriers in military education.


  • RMC shared best practices and lessons learned at the annual United States Military Academy (USMA) West Point Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Conference in August 30 – 31, 2023. Presentation titled Best Practices on Recruiting, Hiring, and Retention was delivered by the RMC Commandant profiling best practices in EDI at RMC (focus on the case study of the appointment of senior management i.e. Deans).
  • Round table discussion titled Discussion on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategies/Action Plans in Military Education of Future Leaders took place at the Canadian Mission to the UN. In light of Canadian EDI goals for military education of future gender diverse leaders, this round table discussion enabled participants from military and diplomatic corps as well as EDI senior experts from Australia, the UK, New Zealand, the US and Canada to share best practices, success stories, and lessons learned from the development of EDI Action Plans and strategies particularly focusing on “belonging” component to ensure all stakeholders are engaged and advocating for change with the US service academies and the Commonwealth of the UK countries. This event was co-sponsored by the RMC EDI/VPR, Canadian Mission to the UN and the US Coastal Guard Academy. As an outcome, recommendations for future enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing of best practices were developed. Representative from the Canadian Defence Academy CDA) was engaged in this round table. As a result, a successful collaboration was established between the CDA and members of the US service academies.
  • EDIO/VPR Office facilitated an establishment of a network for sharing EDI best practices with all US service academies (USMA at West Point, US Naval Academy, US Coastal Guard Academy and US Air Force Academy). As a result, best practices from Canadian military education were highlighted. Suggestions for curriculum review to incorporate EDI as per best practices from US service academies were obtained.
  • EDIO/VPR Office facilitated an establishment of the EDI network for sharing of best practices and ongoing learning with the UK Commonwealth service academies and other relevant partners from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. As a result, ongoing learning is shared through regular communication and updates.
  • Workshop titled  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Military Training in French: The Experience of the Royal Military College of Canada was organized by the RMC EDI/VPR and co-sponsored by the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York and Permanent Mission of Canadia to the UN. The event took place at the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie conference hall in New York and was attended by representative from the French Department of the United States Military Academy at West Point, United Nations military and diplomatic corps (e.g. Ivory Coast, Chad, Tunisia were represented among others) and the CDA.  In light of the Elsie initiative and Canadian EDI goals for military education of future leadership, best practices in gender inclusive French were shared by executive leadership of the RMC with US Military Academy and representatives of the military diplomatic corps, government, and multilateral agencies.  These best practices came from the main findings of cutting-edge research and learnings from the RMC under the umbrella of the institutional EDI Action Plan. Participants of the workshop was engaged in learning and were able to provide extensive feedback to RMC lessons learned and best practices. The feedback included a more enhanced focus on French inclusive best practices led by RMC and wider sharing with a larger community engaged in peace-keeping operations. An additional outcome included forging partnerships in French inclusive training between USMA, OIF and the RMC. 

Data gathered and Indicator(s) - can be both qualitative and quantitative:

  • Reports on strengthening RMC institutional processes and sharing best practices and lessons learned including visits to partners, senior consultants’ report son strengthening EDI competencies in hiring, reports on unconscious bases and EDI in grants workshops was provided to the senior management of RMC.
  • Bilingual resources for training in EDI (with the focus on competencies in French inclusive language) were developed to strengthen cultural competency and adjust to the context of the RMC.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

  • Institutional processes at RMC have been strengthened.
  • Key learnings and best practices were shared with key partners domestically and internationally.
  • New partnerships in EDI were forged or strengthened with key players in military education globally.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

Measure 2.1: Completed.

Measure 2.2: Encourage data collection (Started in 2023).

Measure 2.3: Perform a regular environmental scan of EDI activities and learn best practices from other universities in Canada (2023-2024)

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?

Yes, CRC funding was used for this key objective efficiently. As a result, RMC was able to leverage additional funding from RMC alumni association.

Objective 3: Embed EDI considerations in the learning culture at RMC and broaden faculty and management’s awareness regarding EDI challenges and opportunities.

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

Increased representation of members of the four Federally Designated Groups (FDGs), other equity seeking groups, or members representing the interest of  above groups at  every organizational level (within committees, departments,  faculties, heads of departments and management), meeting the CRC and government goals.

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:

  • An EDI committee has been modified for the institution. A New term of References have been developed for the committee to include additional members based on their ability to contribute.
  • An ongoing coaching and advisory of the senior management of RMC processes with senior experts has been initiated by the EDIO/VPR for bilingual audience with bilingual experts.
  • Recommendations from senior external consultants in EDI were received to modify institutional EDI Action Plan in line with cutting edge research and best practices.

Data gathered and Indicator(s) - can be both qualitative and quantitative:

The training and professional coaching of senior management provided information on cultural competency and unconscious bias to hiring and appointment committee. The training broadened faculty and management’s awareness regarding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion competencies and best practices from other institutions.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

The training has broadened the awareness of EDI consideration and importance for the institution toward implementation of the committee recommendation in institutional processes.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

The steps involved in this objective have all been implemented and are on-going or recurring initiatives.

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?


Objective 4: Assess any gap in the FDGs representation in the CRC Chair holder group

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

A clear target has been defined for the FDGs representation in the CRC Chair Holder group. Present CRC group does not have significant gaps. However, a targeted strategy and a detailed process is under way in the development for new hires and for the overall recruitment process at the RMC.

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:

Review institutional vision and initiatives regarding EDI and obtain feedback on EDI needs with senior management and faculty deans before commencing further CRC searches.

Data gathered and Indicator(s) - can be both qualitative and quantitative:

The next CRC hires are under way to include members of the four FDGs and, with the focus on the gender balance and members of visible minorities to ensure reaching the EDI target of the institution. Based on the data collected on the present Chair Holders and defined targets for the institution.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

The next hires will include a 4 FDGs and a gender and visible minorities target.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

Adapt the hiring process to meet the institutional EDI targets in consultation with the EDI committee, with senior management and faculty deans.

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?


Objective 5: Align hiring process for CRC positions with the institutional targets

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

Representation of the FDGs in the Chair holder group. The institution has achieved the institutional target; however, the next hires will follow the strategy defined in the EDI Action Plan for the long-term implementation of the target.

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:

The actions related to this objective will start at the time of the initiation of a new CRC hiring/nomination process.

Data gathered and Indicator(s) - can be both qualitative and quantitative:

The next CRC hires need to include both gender and visible minorities targets to ensure reaching the EDI target of the institution. Based on the data collected on the present Chair Holders and defined targets for the institution.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

Will be evaluated after the hiring/nomination process is completed.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

The steps involved in this objective have all been implemented and are on-going or recurring initiatives.

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?


Objective 6: Long term sustainability and evaluation of progress

Systemic barriers - Please provide a high-level description of the systemic barriers (e.g. summarize what the barriers are and how they were identified):

The success of the different measures detailed in the EDI Action Plan are evaluated based on Smart Goals indicators and a report  produced on the evolution of the elimination of systemic barriers identified in the previous objectives for a long term and sustainable implementation of the EDI Action Plan on the ongoing basis to the management of RMC.

Corresponding actions undertaken to address the barriers:

The report on the evaluation of progress is produced regularly.

Data gathered and Indicator(s) - can be both qualitative and quantitative:

To be made available on a biannual basis and undergo an external review.

Progress and/or Outcomes and Impacts made during the reporting period:

Expected outcome: raise awareness, remove systemic barriers, provide information and long-term sustainability for the program.

Challenges encountered during the reporting period:


Next Steps (indicate specific dates/timelines):

Report on the evaluation of progress (December 2024).

Was funding from the CRCP EDI stipend used for this key objective?


Part C: Challenges and Opportunities


Equitable and inclusive policies and practices ensure that full engagement of a diverse workforce maximizes a potential of applying multiplicity of various skills to the full range of challenges present in the university environment. One of the most crucial aspects includes equitable participation of FDGs in institutional leadership and decision-making. In addition, inclusivity ensures the unbridled expression of innovation and creativity, allowing the organization to be agile, adaptable, and poised to bring its resources to bear in the face of challenges. Inclusivity also ensures that every individual can play a part in the overall success of the institution and is not restricted to tokenism within the organization; meaningful representation during the development of policies and practices is important.


A more diverse representation of FDGs in serving on Faculty-level and Institution-level committees is an ongoing target of RMC EDI work. There is a strong contribution at the RMC in the EDI work in terms of a commitment of researchers from FGDs for service. RMC needs to explore this opportunity to best utilize various FDGs in particular in their contribution in various areas of academic responsibilities to ensure a positive impact on their career progression and professional development.

Best practices:

RMC is learning from other relevant institutions in Canada and globally about the best practices to ensure that the EDI vision 2030 materialized. The vision 2030 is as follows: RMC is a global leader and a hub for best practices and innovation in EDI policies and practices internally (RMC level) and externally (stakeholders in Canada and globally).

Part D: Engagement with individuals from underrepresented groups

Compliance with Federal policies have an important impact on the EDI at RMC. For instance, hiring practices already meet national standards of fairness, equity, and inclusion; communication policies already state that the institution prioritizes the diversity of our community; and existing policies support individuals who wish to pursue specific religious and cultural practices in the workplace. Federal policy compliance represents a minimum standard for EDI. While it is a basic principle to include the Federal policy frameworks to ensure that initial EDI concerns are well managed, RMC is strongly committed to surpassing this minimum by implementing the strategies summarized in sections below:

  • Refining and adapting an institutional EDI Action Plan  to make it not a rigid, but rather an evolving document through a series of ongoing consultations with decision makers, FDGs, all other equity seeking groups and all staff.
  • Articulating short-, medium- and long-term goals in greater detail, including meaningful and regular consultations with all members of the RMC community about their EDI focus and experiences.
  • Assigning specific bodies to lead initiatives contained within this strategic action plan. To this end, the Vice Principal, Research (VPR) has established an EDI committee (est. October 2020) to enable ongoing responsiveness to EDI issues across RMC. This committee is composed of members who are diverse with respect to gender, first official language, ethnicity/visible minority status, academic discipline, and rank/seniority. The EDI Committee recognizes that there are gaps even within this diverse group (particularly in terms of representation of Indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities). Thus, the EDI Committee is currently filling these gaps by ongoing consultations with representatives of currently under-represented groups. It is an intention of the EDI Committee to raise awareness of other diverse members of RMC community of the importance of their voices to be heard with  a hope additional members will volunteer for the EDI Committee.
  • Proposing mechanisms to ensure that EDI is embedded within the organizational culture of RMC and in its routine Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) moving forward. These mechanisms are described in more detail in the S.M.A.R.T. objectives below in this AP. Each of the measures is connected to a corresponding target with a measurable objective and a scheduled monitoring strategy to ensure  timely and effective achievement of the goal. Having a monitoring and evaluation strategy in place for each of the objectives with the focus on utilization of the Gender Based Analysis Plus tools and techniques will also allow for not only developing a roadmap for achieving the EDI targets but also for benchmarking and measuring success (or lack of thereof) in the process of accomplishment of each of the SMART goals.

Part E: Efforts to Address Systemic Barriers More Broadly within the Institution

The over-arching mandate of the EDI Officer and EDI Committee is to study, promote, and advise RMC and its senior management team about EDI definitions and principles as well as to ensure that EDI is incorporated at all levels of RMC research work, starting from the EDI data collection and analysis process to the translation of this data and information into RMC policies. The Principal, Vice-Principal Research, and the EDIO are key players in the decision-making, implementation, reporting and accountability of the measures as detailed in the action plan. All key positions have crucial roles to play as leaders of EDI initiatives, as well as enablers and champions of EDI at RMC.

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