2024 Civil Engineering Graduate Programs Cyclical Program Review Implementation Plan Update of Cycle 2

Implementation Plan

Recommendation Proposed Follow-up Responsibility for Leading Follow-up Timeline for Addressing Recommendation
1. Create an onboarding, in-clearance checklist and orientation process for new graduate students.
  1. Create an onboarding checklist and orientation process
  2. Zero-credit Seminar Series
  1. Graduate Program Rep / Depart Head, Dean of Graduate Studies
  2. Department  head
  1. Plan to be put in place by Fall 2024
  2. Fall 2026
2. Implement a separate research network (internet, not intranet) for graduate research. RIOZ system in place for all graduate students.

Department Head


3. Library support is available; however, improvements to access are needed for some documents (e.g., CSA Civil docs, as well as other journals). Provide a Library list of critical resources for the Department Faculty members Ongoing.
4. Initiate an Advisory Board to form a strategy to link CAF needs to program offerings. Develop a Task Force to propose ways to align with CAF needs

Department Head

Fall 2025

c. Spring 2022 - Summer 2023. Briefing note(s) submitted 2021 2022, and 2023. No resolution yet on missing EL Tech.
5. Ensure Military Grads can meet the overarching needs of 1 ESU through the creation of one mandatory grad course that includes an overview of all aspects of the RMC Civil Engineering programs. Investigate the potential for a mandatory 1ESU-focused graduate course

Department Head

6. Faculty Hiring should be prioritized until the Grad Program is at Full Strength.
  1. Retirements will create positions for assistant professors.
  2. Ensure adequate financial support for HQP hires.

Graduate Program Rep / Department Head

As faculty positions become available

7. Future reports should include a direct mapping (tracing) of RMC-taught courses to GDLE outcomes and the RMC mission. Develop a concise map of RMC-taught courses to GCLE outcomes and mission Graduate Program Rep / Department Head Fall 2025
8.  Ensure the EDI office supports the Civil Engineering Graduate program, faculty members, and students to help implement EDI principles in practice. Support the Department and graduate program in implementing and maintaining a positive and safe workplace environment.

Dept Head

Dean of Engineering

Dean of Graduate Studies

Vice Principal of Academics

Vice Principal of Research

Fall 2024 and ongoing


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