Implementation Plan
Recommendation | Proposed Follow-up | Responsibility for Leading Follow-up | Timeline for Addressing Recommendation |
1. Create an onboarding, in-clearance checklist and orientation process for new graduate students. |
2. Implement a separate research network (internet, not intranet) for graduate research. | RIOZ system in place for all graduate students. |
Department Head CIS |
Complete |
3. Library support is available; however, improvements to access are needed for some documents (e.g., CSA Civil docs, as well as other journals). | Provide a Library list of critical resources for the Department | Faculty members | Ongoing. |
4. Initiate an Advisory Board to form a strategy to link CAF needs to program offerings. | Develop a Task Force to propose ways to align with CAF needs |
Department Head |
Fall 2025 c. Spring 2022 - Summer 2023. Briefing note(s) submitted 2021 2022, and 2023. No resolution yet on missing EL Tech. |
5. Ensure Military Grads can meet the overarching needs of 1 ESU through the creation of one mandatory grad course that includes an overview of all aspects of the RMC Civil Engineering programs. | Investigate the potential for a mandatory 1ESU-focused graduate course |
Department Head |
Ongoing |
6. Faculty Hiring should be prioritized until the Grad Program is at Full Strength. |
Graduate Program Rep / Department Head |
As faculty positions become available . |
7. Future reports should include a direct mapping (tracing) of RMC-taught courses to GDLE outcomes and the RMC mission. | Develop a concise map of RMC-taught courses to GCLE outcomes and mission | Graduate Program Rep / Department Head | Fall 2025 |
8. Ensure the EDI office supports the Civil Engineering Graduate program, faculty members, and students to help implement EDI principles in practice. | Support the Department and graduate program in implementing and maintaining a positive and safe workplace environment. |
Dept Head Dean of Engineering Dean of Graduate Studies Vice Principal of Academics Vice Principal of Research Principal |
Fall 2024 and ongoing |