Related links
- Programme Chair
- Dr. Ali Ghanbarpour-Dizboni
- Programme web page
- Military and Strategic Studies
General Information
This multidisciplinary programme is unique in North America at the undergraduate level. The Military and Strategic Studies (MSS) programme offers students an opportunity to acquire a sound grounding in military history, strategic thought, and international relations, as well as in Canadian government, Politics and Economics, English, Culture, and Communication or French, Literature, and Culture studies, and Military Psychology and Leadership. It leads to a B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies or B.A. Military and Strategic Studies. The MSS programme provides a solid basis for graduate studies and a professional career.
Students are encouraged to take at least one MSS course in their second language. Students with the requisite language profile are free to take all or a combination of courses in either official language while earning their degrees.
In addition to their course work, students enrolled in the MSS programme are encouraged to participate in the various extracurricular activities of the programme, including field trips to Ottawa, Washington, New York, USMA, USNA, and NATO HQ and several Model UN and NATO simulations at leading North American universities.
Patterns of Study
To earn a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or Bachelor of Arts in Military and Strategic Studies students can pursue one of two patterns of study:
- B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies or B.A. Military and Stratigic Studies, or;
- B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies or B.A. Military and Stratigic Studies, with a Minor in: Business Administration; Economics; English, Culture, and Communication; French, Literature, and Culture; or Psychology.
Physical Conditioning and Second Language Courses
- ATE101: Foundations of Fitness, Health and Sports (UPTNCM & non-ROTP take ATE102)
- ATE301: Unarmed Combatives, Military Skills and Individual Sports (UPTNCM & non-ROTP take ATE302)
- LCF100 : Compétence de base – partie I
- LCF200 : Compétence de base – partie II
- LCF301 : Compétence intermédiaire – partie I
- LCF302 : Compétence intermédiaire – partie II
- LCF400 : Compétence intermédiaire - partie III
B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies
A 40-credit degree programme including the core courses for arts programmes (20 credits).
Mandatory Courses (14 credits)
- HIE206: What is History? Methods of Historical Inquiry OR POE220: Research and method (1 credit)
- HIE270: Introduction to Military History (2 credits)
- HIE362: History of Peace Operations since 1980 OR POE410 International Conflict Management (1 credit)
- HIE470: Strategy and Strategists (2 credits)
- POE218: International Relations Theory (1 credit)
- POE317: Introduction to Contemporary Strategic Studies (1 credit)
- POE414: Contemporary International Issues and Events (1 credit)
- POE415: Contemporary International Conflict (1 credit)
- PSE312: Military Psychology and Combat (1 credit)
- MSE424: Thesis or MSE426: Research Project in Military Strategic Studies (2 credits)
Plus 1 credit from these 6 courses:
- HIE332: War in Classical Age (1 credit)
- HIE334: Historical Evolution of Operational Art (1 credit)
- HIE340: History of the First World War (1 credit)
- HIE342: History of the Second World War (1 credit)
- HIE366: Europe, Napoleon and the World War of 1789 to 1815 (1 credit)
- HIE377: Cold War (1 credit)
Optional courses
five credits as listed:
- 2 credits, at the 400-level (approved by the professor in charge of the Military and Strategic Studies programme), from the list of MSS optional courses and;
- 3 credits, of your choice, from the list of MSS optional courses
- 1 credit
MSE424 / MSE426: Special research on an approved subject, under the direction of a designated supervisor, resulting in the submission of a "MSE424: Thesis" or "MSE426: Research Project in Military Strategic Studies". Students will be provided with guidance on topics and methods before submitting a research proposal for approval. Theses must follow Royal Military College of Canada thesis guidelines and will be evaluated by at least one subject expert in addition to the Chair and supervisor. An oral defence will normally be arranged for a thesis.
(Important: Those transferring from "MSE424: Thesis" to "MSE426: Research Project in Military Strategic Studies" must do so no later than the add-course deadline of the winter term).
B.A. Military and Strategic Studies
A 40-credit degree programme including the core courses for arts programmes (20 credits).
Mandatory courses (12 credits)
- HIE206: What is History? Methods of Historical Inquiry OR POE220: Research and method (1 credit)
HIE270: Introduction to Military History (2 credits) - HIE362: History of Peace Operations since 1980 OR POE410 International Conflict Management (1 credit)
HIE470: Strategy and Strategists (2 credits) - POE218: International Relations Theory (1 credit)
- POE317: Introduction to Contemporary Strategic Studies (1 credit)
- POE414: Contemporary International Issues and Events (1 credit)
- POE415: Contemporary International Conflict (1 credit)
- PSE312: Military Psychology and Combat (1 credit)
Plus 1 credit from these 6 courses:
- HIE332: War in Classical Age (1 credit)
- HIE334: Historical Evolution of Operational Art (1 credit)
- HIE340: History of the First World War (1 credit)
- HIE342: History of the Second World War (1 credit)
- HIE366: Europe, Napoleon and the World War of 1789 to 1815 (1 credit)
- HIE377: Cold War (1 credit)
Optional courses
3 credits as listed:
- 1 credit, at the 400-level (approved by the professor in charge of the Military and Strategic Studies programme), from the list of MSS optional courses and;
- 2 credits, of your choice, from the list of MSS optional courses
- 5 credits
Note: Students enrolled in Military and Strategic Studies may not complete a Double Major with History or Political Science.
Programme Outline Tables
The following tables are examples of a typical outline, by year, of a B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies programme of study or a B.A. Military and Strategic Studies programme of study that would cover the required courses.
B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies
Semester | Fall year 1 |
Winter year 1 |
Fall year 2 |
Winter year 2 |
Courses | ||||
Semester total | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits |
Semester | Fall year 3 |
Winter year 3 |
Fall year 4 |
Winter year 4 |
Courses | ||||
Semester total | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits |
B.A. Military and Strategic Studies
Semester | Fall year 1 |
Winter year 1 |
Fall year 2 |
Winter year 2 |
Courses | ||||
Semester total | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits |
Semester | Fall year 3 |
Winter year 3 |
Fall year 4 |
Winter year 4 |
Courses | ||||
Semester total | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits | 5 credits |
Minor in Military and Strategic Studies
Note: There is no Minor in Military and Strategic Studies.
- Minors in Business Administration; Economics; English, Culture, and Communication; French, Literature, and Culture; or Psychology; may be earned together with a B.A. (Honours) Military and Strategic Studies or a B.A. Military and Strategic Studies.
- Students pursuing one or more of these minors will complete 8 credits in the minor.
Military and Strategic Studies optional courses
You must choose the optional courses for the Military and Strategic Studies programme from the following list:
- BAE344: Operations Management
- CCE204: Military Chemistry
- ECE424: Economics of Defence
- ECE428: Economics of National Security
- ENE331: World Literature 1
- ENE333: World Literature II
- ENE363: American Literature: The American Dream: Race, Gender, War
- ENE375: Literature and Spirituality
- ENE413: Literature, Culture & Ecology
- ENE415: Literature, Culture & Evolution
- ENE423: Literary Theory II: Gender, Sex, and Sexuality
- ENE450: The News Media and the Military
- ENE451: War Literature I
- ENE453: War Literature II
- ENE471: Topics in English Literature II
- ENE484: Postcolonial Literature
- FRF324 : La littérature francophone subsaharienne des In dépendances à aujourd'hui
- FRF326 : La littérature francophone du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient, de la colonisation à nos jours
- FRF332 : La guerre expression narration et représentation
- FRF379 : L’Art oratoire
- FRF383 : Les Moralistes français du XVIIe siècle
- FRF404 : L’imaginaire de la Route de la Soie de Marco Polo à aujourd’hui
- FRF427 : Fanatisme, tolérance et religion
- FRF428 : L’essai au XXIe siècle : crise, terreur, paranoïa et sécurité intérieure
- FRF429 : Combat, trauma et dépendances
- FRF434 : Témoigner
- FRF440 : Vie et mort des grands héros de l'Antiquité
- FRF479 : Discours et pouvoir
- FLF431 : la représentation de la guerre en littérature
- FLF432 : La représentation des conflits au théâtre
- FLF433 : La guerre : médias et témoignages
- HIE206: What is History? Methods of Historical Inquiry
- HIE320: A Social and Cultural History of the Atomic Age
- HIE322: Conflict in the Middle East, 1914- Present
- HIE328: Selected Issues in Military History
- HIE332: War in Classical Age
- HIE334: Historical Evolution of Operational Art
- HIE336: The American Civil War
- HIE338: North American Colonial Warfare, 1608-1815
- HIE340: History of the First World War
- HIE342: History of the Second World War
- HIE346: The History of Canadian Forces Operations
- HIE348: Fascism, Nazism and Communism, 1917-1945
- HIF354 : Histoire du monde arabe et musulman
- HIE362: History of Peace Operations since 1980
- HIF364 : Napoléon et son temps
- HIE366: Europe Napoleon and the World War of 1789 to 1815
- HIE374: From World War to World War: International History 1914-1945
- HIE375: Limited War during the Cold War, 1945-1991
- HIE377: The Cold War
- HIF383: Histoire de la France, de la guerre franco-prussienne à la présidence de Charles De Gaulle
- HIE390: European Imperialism - The Early Stages in Renaissance Europe
- HIE392: European Imperialism - Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
- HIE398: A History of Naval Power, 1914-1991
- HIE405: History of the Relations between Canada and the United States
- HIE406: Canadian External Relations
- HIE410: Canada and War
- HIE416: The United States as an Emerging World Power 1750-1919
- HIE418: The United States as a World Power, 1919 to the Present
- HIE422: Naval History. The Age of Sail
- HIE423: Naval History: The Age of Steam
- HIF435: Façonner un continent : les guerres en Amérique du Nord (1754-1815)
- HIF437: Le Canada français et la guerre depuis 1867
- HIE440: Public History
- HIE446: The Third Reich at War 1939-1945
- HIE449: History of intelligence since 1870
- HIE451: War and the Environment
- HIE452: War, Peace, and Civil Society in Modern History
- HIE456: Issues in Women, War and Society
- HIE461: Air Warfare in World Conflict, 1903-1945
- HIE463: Air Warfare in Cold War and Small Wars, 1945-2010
- HIE474: Military Technology: Men, Machines and War
- HIE475: Technology, Society and Warfare
- HIE476: Guerrilla and Revolutionary War
- HIE477: An Introduction to the History of Terrorism
- HIF479: La guerre d'Algérie
- HIF492: Crimes et criminels de guerre: Droit pénal international
- MAE234: Introduction to Cryptography
- MAE236: Introduction to Game Theory
- PHE280: Physics of Armaments
- POE214: Comparative Politics
- POE220: Research and method (1 credit)
- POE319: Terrorism: History and Strategy
- POE324: International Organizations
- POE410: International Conflict Management
- POE412: Contemporary American Foreign and Defence Policy
- POE413: Nuclear Weapons & International Relations
- POE416: Canadian Foreign and Security Policy
- POE423: Politics in Africa
- POE424:Politics in the Middle East
- POE425: Regional Comparative Politics
- POE432: Civil Military Relations
- POE435: Terrorism and Political Violence
- POE437: Contemporary Regimes: States and Nations
- POE441: Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
- POE453: Topics in International Relations
- POE486: Air and Space Law
- POE488: The Law of Armed Conflict
- PSE324: Cross-Cultural Psychology
- PSE328: Group Dynamics
- PSE332: Introduction to Interviewing and Counselling
- PSE346: Persuasion and Influence
- PSE370: Recruitment and Selection
- PSE380: Psychology and Philosophy of Religious Conflicts
- PSE430: Stress
- PSE451: Survival Psychology
- PSE454: Advanced Leadership
- PSE462: Human Factors in Applied Military Science
- PSE482: Peace and Conflict Psychology
- PSE484: The Psychology of Gender in the Military