Political Science News and Events

ARCHIVED-Events in the Department of Political Science


Past Events

Meet the Authors

November 3rd, 1300 hrs

The Department of Political Science at RMC is proud to present "Meet the Authors"

  • Ali Dizboni and Philllipe Constantineau
  • H. Christian Breede
  • Youri Cormier

As they launch their new books

  • A Hermeneutic Analysis of Military Operations in Afghanistan
  • The Idea of Failed States
  • War As Paradox 

Senior Staff Mess, Royal Military College of Canada
Cash bar

Reflections on the Intersection of the Military with International Relations


RMC and the CIDP are proud to present
Reflections on the Intersection of the Military with International Relations


  • LGen (Ret’d) Stuart Beare, former Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command
  •  Amb Marius Grinius, former Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam 
  • LTC Todd Allison, United States Army War College Visiting Defence Fellow, Queen’s University
  • LCol Andy Volger, German Armed Forces Visiting Defence Fellow, Queen’s University
  • LCol Patrick O’Halloran, Canadian Armed Forces Visiting Defence Fellow, Queen’s University 

October 24th, 2017
1900-2130 hrs in Currie Hall,
Royal Military College of Canada
Refreshments will be provided

    Download the poster
    PDF iconDownload "Reflections on the Intersection of the Military with International Relations" poster 

    Demographics of Defence: Why Canada needs its military colleges

    Public lecture by the recipient for 2017 of the Cowan Prize for Excellence in Research
    Dr. Christian Leuprecht

    Wednesday, October 11

    6:30 for 7:00
    at the Senior Staff Mess of the Royal Military College

    With support of the RMC Foundation
    In concert with the reception for the CDAI Graduate Student Symposium, 11-12 Oct 

    PDF iconDownload the "Demographics of Defence" poster

    Conflict simulation and gaming in the classroom

    Conflict simulation and gaming in the classroomThe Faculty of Arts, the Department of Political Science, and the Centre for Security, Armed Forces and Society are organizing a workshop on
    Conflict simulation and gaming in the classroom moderated by Dr. Rex Brynen, McGill University

    Monday 19 October 2015
    1030-1200 SSC26: Seminar “Conflict simulation and gaming in the classroom"
    1330-1400 SSC26: hands-on introduction to some commercial wargame products
    1400-1630 SSC26: AFTERSHOCK: A Humanitarian Crisis Game (4-8 players)
    1900 SSN24: ISIS CRISIS (a game examining the conflict in Iraq/Syria, 6-13 players)

    Those interested in participating in one or both of the actual games that will run in the afternoon and evening are asked to register with the OPI since space is limited and allocated on a first come, first served, basis
    Dr. Christian Leuprecht, local 6428, christian.leuprecht@rmc-cmr.ca

    Part of the series on scholarly publishing, research, and teaching sponsored by the RMC Foundation

    Note: This event will run in English

    Fall 2015 Political Science Workshop
    Gender, Politics, and Security

    Gender, Politics, and Security

    Monday, 9 1800-2100 Nov 15 in Room Currie 200, Royal Military College of Canada

    Given the popular and polemical nature of gender studies, how has this perspective informed the study of security? Indeed, in light of recent events, reports, and controversies, how can an awareness of the gender perspective change attitudes, values, and perceptions in favour of a more inclusive and professional environment? What role does gender play in security? This workshop seeks to explore these questions in the hopes of furthering the discussion on the role of gender in security studies.

    Presenting are:

    • Dr Stéfanie von Hlatky of Assistant Professor of Political Studies and Director of the Centre for International and Defence Policy at Queen’s University,
    • Dr Alan Okros, Professor of Defence Studies at RMC and Professor and Deputy Chair of Command, Leadership, and Management at the Canadian Forces College.
    • Up to three Students from RMC

    Download the Gender, Politics, and Security Gender, Politics, and Security poster.

    Conference of Defence Associations Institute - 18th Annual Graduate Student Symposium

    Canada’s Security & Defence Interests

    15-16 October 2015
    Royal Military College of Canada
    Currie Hall

    Kingston Ontario

    Strategic Partners
    • Lockheed Martin
    • The Royal Military College of Canada
    18 CDAI GSS Poster

    Sponsors and Supporters

    • National Defence
    • Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (University of Calgary)
    • Canadian Global Affairs Institute
    • Kingston Conference on International Security
    • Porter
    • Royal Canadian Military Institute
    • 45eNord.ca

    PDF iconDownload the 18th Annual Graduate Student Symposium poster

    Workshop: Strategic Communication and Stratcom Defence

    Strategic Commucation and Stratcome Defence poster

    The Department of Political Science and CSAFS invite faculty and students to a workshop entitled “Strategic Communication and Stratcom Defence”, given by LCol Simon R. West; NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, Riga, Latvia. The activity will be on Tuesday 8 September, 2015, at noon, at the room SSN 24 (Swing space).

    All are welcomed. Please note that the presentation will be in English only.

    PDF iconDownload the Stratcom 2015 poster

    Research in the Department

    17 November 2014
    From 1200hrs to 1300hrs
    Girouard Building, Room 432

    Dr David Last
    “OThree: Demonstrating Online Collaborative Research in Global Security Education”

    Maj H.C. Breede, CD, Ph.D.
    “The Canadian Experience in Afghanistan and Human Performance Enhancement”

    For information contact: Dr James Mckay x6643 james.mckay@rmc-cmr.ca

    Organized by the Department of Political Science

    PDF iconDownload the Research in the Department poster

    The Department of Political Science invitation - Series of research workshops

    The Fraternity of the Uniform: American Military Multilateralism and the ‘Epistemic Community’ of the Profession of Arms.
    Presented by Dr.  Joel Sokolsky, Department of Political Science

    Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1200 hrs
    Girouard 432

    The presentation will be in English; discussion in both official languages

    For further information contact: Dr Al Dizboni,
    Email: Ali.Ghanbarpour-Dizboni@rmc-cmr.ca

    Visitors from outside of RMC should contact Dr. Dizboni at least 48 hours in advance to facilitate campus admission.

    PDF iconDownload The Fraternity of the Uniform poster

    Democracy and authoritarianism in North Africa: Status and Prospects

    The Department of Political Science and CSAFS invite faculty and students to: Democracy and authoritarianism in North Africa: Status and Prospects by Ali Yahia Abdennour, Veteran of the war in Algeria, former minister, Lawyer and human rights activist

    Thursday 20 November 2014, 1200hrs, Girouard 432

    All are welcomed

    Note: The presentation will be in French

    PDF iconDownload the Democracy and Authoritarianism poster

    Round Table

    Referenda and Independence: Use and Misuse of Popular Consultations from Sudan to Crimea

    With participation of

    • Philippe Constantineau (RMC)
    • Kristin Hulme (RMC)
    • Pierre Jolicoeur (RMC)
    • John McGarry (Queen’s University)
    • Margaret Moore (Queen’s University)
    • Abdelkerim Ousman (RMC)
    • Philippe Roseberry (Queen’s University / RMC)
    • Marc Sanjaume (UQAM)
    • Anthony Seaboyer (RMC)

    Organised by the Department of Political Science and the Center for Security, Armed Forces and Society (CSAFS)

    30 October 2014
    From 1:00 to 5:00 pm
    Commandant’s Conference Room, Yeo Hall
    All are welcome

    PDF iconDownload the Referenda and Independence poster

    Winter 2015 Political Science Workshop

    Friday, 0800-1100 Jan 15 in Currie Hall, the Royal Military College of Canada

    Call for Proposals - Democratic Disengagement

    With a federal election pending in the next 12 months, attention invariably shifts to the question of voter turnout.  Conventional wisdom has often argued that fewer Canadians are voting, whether in federal, provincial, or municipal elections.  Recent research has confirmed this notion.  However, the question remains: why?  Why are Canadians not going to the polls?  Who is voting and does this have an impact upon the government of the day?  What does this mean for the quality of Canadian democracy?  This workshop seeks to explore these questions in the hopes of furthering the discussion on who votes and why (or why not) – and perhaps more importantly, what can we do about it?  Framing this workshop will be presentations by Dr. Paul Howe, of the University of New Brunswick and author of Citizen’s Adrift (2010, UBC Press).  He will be joined by Dr. Bryan Paterson, Professor of Economics at RMC and recently elected Mayor of Kingston.  Students from RMC are invited to submit proposals (no more than 500 wds) to participate in the workshop.  Please note that the presentation can be part of the students regular course work, with his professor’s approval.  Proposals – in the form an abstract – are to be submitted to Maj Christian Breede no later than 23 Jan 15.

    Older posters

    Intelligence Gathering in Democracies: A Balance between Rights and Requirements

    Winter Term 2014 – Political Science Workshop:
    Intelligence Gathering in Democracies: A Balance between Rights and Requirements


    • Mr. John Adams MGen (Ret’d), Former Head of Communications Security Establishment Canada
    • Chief Superintendent Mike Armstrong, Commander, Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau, Ontario Provincial Police
    • OCdt White Crépeau
    • OCdt Marshall

    PDF iconDownload Intelligence Gathering in Democracies poster

    The Department of Political Science invitation
    Series of research workshops

    Be Careful What You Wish For: Resolution of Security Issues on the Korean Peninsula

    Major Bernard J. Brister CD, PhD, Department of Political Science

    The presentation will be in English; discussion in both official languages

    PDF iconDownload the Be Careful What you Wish for poster

    More posters and past events

    Oct. 8th: Conference Dr. Martin Nassua (German fellow at the Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg) on "The Federal Elections in Germany of September 22, 2013: Triumph and Tragedy? Busted Dreams and Lasting Disappointments?", in English.

    Oct. 15th: Round Table on "The Syrian Crisis: regional and international perspectives". Many faculty members from RMC, Queen's University and more will be presenting their views and analysis of the Syrian crisis. Among others: Houchang-Hassan-Yari (Iran), Pierre Jolicoeur (Russia), Jane Boulden (UN), A.G. Dizboni (Syrian groups), Adbelkerim Ousman (Saudi Arabia and Qatar), Anthony Seaboyer (International Community), Stephanie von Hlatky (NATO), Jan von der Felsen (Germany), Col. Christopher J. Barron (U.S.). It will be a bilingual event.

    Oct. 16th: Conference of LCol Patrick O'Halloran on “Food Security and implications for Canada.” In English (maybe bilingual).

    Oct. 28th: Workshop in political science. Two profs (Houchang Hassan-Yari and A.G. Dizboni) and four students (OCdts Anderson, Blair and Cook as well as Mr. Omar) will be presenting their views on “The Future of Political Islam”. It will be a bilingual event.

    Fall Term 2013 - Political Science Workshop - The Future of Political Islam

    Political islam poster with crowd holding banner - No Democracy We want just IslamPanelists:

    • Prof. Hassan-Yari
    • Prof. Dizboni
    • OCdt Cook
    • OCdt Anderson
    • OCdt Blair
    • Mr.Omar
    • Third Student TBA

    PDF iconDownload the Future of Political Islam poster

    Nov. 28th: The Dean of Arts and the Department of Political Science invite faculty and graduate students to: Publishing in Scholarly Journals by Dr. Graham White, Co-editor for the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto and former President of the Canadian Political Science Association. Thursday 28 November 2013. Part of the series on Scholarly Publishing and Research. Note: English presentation; an event similar in nature will follow at a later date in French.

    Jan 30th: The Department of Political Science and The Centre for Security, Armed Forces and Society (CSAFS) invite faculty and graduate students to: Publishing your Manuscript with a University Press presented by Ms. Emily Andrew, Senior Acquisitions Editor for UBC Press. Thursday 30 January 2014. Part of the series on scholarly publishing and research. Note: English presentation; an event similar in nature will follow at a later date in French. Scholars wishing to meet individually with Ms. Andrew the morning of 30 Jan 14 to discuss a book proposal should contact the undersigned. The event is for information purposes only and not intended to endorse any press in particular. OPI : Dr. Christian Leuprecht, ext 6428, christian.leuprecht@rmc-cmr.ca.

    Feb 10th: The Political Science Department at the Royal Military College of Canada has sponsored the following public conference in Partnership with CIDP, Queen’s University: "The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World" With: T.V. Paul, James McGill Professor of International Relations, McGill University.

    Feb 12th: The Department of Political Science invitation Series of research workshops The security challenges of Sochi Olympic Games Presented by Dr Pierre Jolicoeur, Acting Head, Department of Political Science Wednesday, February 12. The presentation will be in French; discussion in both official languages.
