Professional Military Training


General Information


The main purpose of the Military Pillar is to identify, develop, and consolidate the moral qualities and ethical values which are essential for a military officer. These qualities and values include: honesty, loyalty, integrity, honour, and courage. These are also very effectively captured in the College's motto of "TRUTH, DUTY, VALOUR."

The Military Pillar also develops and prepares OCdts to function effectively within the College and Cadet Wing organization.

Training Cell

The Military Pillar of the ROTP and UTPNCM programmes at RMC provide Professional Military Training during the academic year. This Pillar is compulsory for all OCdts in all years.

Programme Design


The personal, team, and leadership skills and values required of an officer must be exercised on a continuous basis, at all times, in all places, in all situations. The Military Pillar provides the necessary forum for the development and assessment of these qualities by exposing OCdts to a wide variety of training scenarios.

Focus by Year

The programme is designed to achieve three important transformations in the officer candidates over the four years at RMC. These are: adolescent to adult, imposed discipline to self discipline, and followership to leadership. The emphasis by year is as follows:

1st year
Personal development, Followership, Teamwork
2nd year
Personal development, Teamwork, prepare for Leadership positions  
3rd year
Personal development, Leadership
4th year
Personal development, Leadership, prepare for Commissioning

Courses of Study

There are six main areas of competence, which are identified as Performance Objectives (PO's). These can be considered as courses of study, using a combination of formal classroom instruction and a wide variety of practical exercises. The six PO's are:

  1. General Military Knowledge
  2. Personal Attributes
  3. Teamwork
  4. Leadership
  5. Communications, and
  6. Drill

Programme Delivery

Three periods per week are allocated for drill classes or other formal military instruction. Weapons and refresher training is completed during Division Training Weekends. Additional training, professional development, and occupation and element-specific exposure are also provided on chosen weekends throughout the academic year. Practical leadership and teamwork activities such as dress and room inspections in addition to Squadron level parades are scheduled on weekday mornings. Wing and College level activities take place during Duty Weekends as listed in the Table at the end of this Section.

In third and fourth year, OCdts are appointed to various command and staff positions known as “Bar Positions” in order to provide semester-long development and assessment opportunities.

Equivalences and Credits

The military record of service for OCdts in the UTPNCM programme, or for OCdts in the ROTP programme who have previous military service, is reviewed upon joining RMC. Previous training may be accepted for credits under the Military Pillar.

Training Periods

In addition to the two periods per week scheduled during the day (0800-1630), the following periods are used to deliver the Military Pillar:

Legend: A = All  D = Designated  E = Elective / Optional S = If / When Scheduled N/A = Non Applicable

Fall Semester

Activities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Cadet Wing Start-of-Year Weekend A A A A
Reunion Weekend A A A A
Battle of Britain D D D D
Remembrance Day A A A A
Wing Sports Day (Fall) A A A A
Christmas Ball A E E A

Winter Semester

Activities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Mess DinnerFootnote 1 N/A N/A N/A A
Wing Sports Day A A A A
West Point Weekend A A A A
MOC Weekend A A A N/A
Colour Party Competition N/A N/A D N/A
Sandhurst Competition D D D D
Sports Awards Ceremony A A A A
Copper Sunday / Battle of Atlantic Weekend A A A A
Graduation Weekend A A A A

Course Descriptions

General Military Knowledge

The PO covers general knowledge regarding Canadian Forces policies and regulations such as drugs and alcohol, harassment, counselling, duties and responsibilities, etc.. This PO also covers RMC-specific knowledge such as College history, organization, Cadet Wing structure, etc..

Personal Attributes

Officers in the Canadian Forces must exhibit exemplary conduct and deportment at all times. Such conduct stems from well developed personal character traits such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, self respect, respect of others, responsibility, and courage. It includes the concept of "service before self," and the development of a work and play ethic to bring out the best in individuals and subordinates. These traits are developed and assessed throughout the 4yr programme.


Teamwork and cooperation are essential elements of a successful military unit. This PO provides practical opportunities for team building and fostering esprit-de-corps. It also develops the necessary confidence and trust in peers. The PO stresses the need to become a good follower and team player in order to become a good leader.


The core element of officership is leadership. This PO provides practical opportunities to develop and practice leadership in a wide variety of scenarios. All opportunities for leadership, including Cadet Wing bar appointments, sports team captains, class leaders, class seniors, project and event organizers, etc.. are exploited to expose OCdts to leadership challenges, and to assess their development and performance. The minimum requirement for successful completion of the programme is to perform satisfactorily as a Cadet Section Commander for one semester in either third or fourth year.


This PO is a follow-on to the material commenced during BOTP, and concentrates on the development of essential written and oral communication skills. These skills form a cornerstone of leadership and will be needed for all aspects of RMC life.


Drill is a powerful method to develop individual pride, mental alertness, precision, and esprit de corps which will assist OCdts to carry out orders instinctively and immediately at all times. The attainment of good discipline calls for a high development of personal qualities, particularly self-control and cooperation. Drill and formal parades are designed to develop these qualities so that their practice becomes habitual and will persist under the strain of activities in peace and war. This PO will teach OCdts foot, rifle, and sword drill, and will place OCdts in increasing levels of authority and responsibility on the parade square in order to further develop their self confidence and bearing.

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