RMC Family Handbook

The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat, and thank these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land and its waters. We are grateful to be able to learn, study, work, train, and play on these lands and waters.

We are also committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.



While it is normally possible to contact your N/OCdt directly, in the event of an emergency and/or if you are unable to contact your N/OCdt, please call:

RMC Officer of the Day at:
613-483-3024 (cell)

Training Wing Duty Officer at:
613-483-9475 (cell)

CFB Kingston Base Duty Centre/Chaplain (24hrs):

These individuals will either respond to your concern or direct you to the appropriate office.


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This publication is available in both official languages.


This handbook offers family members or those close to a Naval or Officer Cadet (N/OCdt) an ideal reference to learn about the unique academic, linguistic, fitness, and military pillars of the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC).

This handbook outlines the culture and environment of RMC and also the history of the College and the many services available to our students. Lastly, the handbook includes contact information, should you be unable to contact your N/OCdt directly, along with other information regarding accommodations, meals, medical care and so forth.

Your N/OCdt has chosen a unique, formative, and personal experience to achieve their undergraduate degree and serve our country. By joining the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), your N/OCdt is joining a family and a team that is dedicated to serving our nation . While your N/OCdt is at RMC, we will guide and teach them the required life and career skills they need to be effective officers in the CAF. Our approach to creating Officers is built upon four pillars of achievement: academics, military-related skills and knowledge, physical fitness, and bilingualism. To graduate from RMC, and to earn a commission in the CAF, they must meet the minimum requirements in all four pillars.

Your N/OCdt will have many opportunities to learn about leadership and will receive feedback from qualified faculty, military and civilian evaluators, and mentors to further develop their leadership skills.

RMC undergraduate students typically enrol through the ROTP. Successful applicants begin their careers in the CAF as a N/OCdt, and upon graduation and completion of specific military training, move on to their selected occupations. One of the many advantages of attending RMC is that the Department of National Defence (DND) subsidizes the costs for tuition, uniforms, books, instruments and other essential materials while offering the student a salary and other benefits. In return, your N/OCdt has agreed to serve a period of compensatory service following graduation.

N/OCdts receive a salary from which there are deductions for income tax, pension, and their meals and quarters. Medical and dental services, and paid vacations are no-cost benefits for all members of the CAF. RMC also provides academic support services, fitness and lifestyle coaching, mental health counselling, medical services, and social activities. Our student population of approximately 1,200 students allows RMC to offer smaller class sizes and enables our faculty to be more responsive to the academic and personal needs of our students. Professors actively engage with the students academically, and to gauge the students overall well-being.

Your N/OCdt will receive a Cadet Handbook, which contains additional information that will guide them during their time at RMC. Their handbook helps them to understand the CAF and will help them to live and work in the RMC and the CAF environments.

We expect that the information contained in the RMC Family Handbook may inspire additional questions. If you have any questions about the College or suggestions for content that could be incorporated into this handbook, please contact the RMC Success Centre at successcentre-centredesucces@rmc-cmr.ca.


On behalf of the Minister of National Defence, RMC’s President and Chancellor, it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the RMC community. We are honoured that your young adults have committed to serve Canada by enrolling in the CAF, and we are delighted that they have chosen to undertake their undergraduate studies at RMC. A career in the CAF - protecting Canada and representing Canadian interests and values at home and abroad - comes with unique challenges; however, the education, training, and experience they will gain at RMC are second-to- none and will ensure they are poised to tackle every challenge before them as an opportunity with confidence and success.

The university experience at RMC is unlike other universities in Canada. The Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP) under which naval and officer cadets (N/OCdts) study leads to much more than a traditional bachelor’s degree. This speaks to our four-pillar degree which, in addition to academic requirements, also demands that graduates achieve linguistic, fitness, and military standards. Of course, this comes with significant time pressures and competing priorities on N/OCdts’ daily schedule. We are focused on student success. Given the rigour of the four-pillar degree, the progress of N/OCdts will be assessed at regular intervals to provide them feedback. If a student shows signs of difficulty, our professors and training wing will direct them to support services and supplementary training to assist them in managing stress and achieving the expected standard, including summer training if required.

The military structure, daily routine, and dress code provide the framework to successfully navigate the rigours of life at RMC and beyond. It is expected that RMC students respect rules and regulations and behave in a professional, respectful, and ethical manner, and always according to the College’s motto of Truth, Duty, Valour.

In addition, the CAF and RMC are going through an important period of culture evolution, which is crucial to the future of Canada’s military capability. These changes will ensure that everyone has the confidence to be their authentic selves in an institution that embraces equity, diversity, and inclusion. This foundation will ensure a sound understanding and appreciation of the Profession of Arms, and prepare N/OCdts as future officers in the CAF who will lead with honesty, humility, and humanity.

This handbook provides you with an overview of the journey on which your young adults are embarking. I have no doubt that you will have more questions than the answers this booklet provides. Let me assure you that, owing to the leadership responsibility and guiding role that my staff and I take great pride in, the many CAF support programmes available, and the strong peer network on campus, N/OCdts are always well accompanied. Similarly, they will appreciate your interest in their endeavours. I therefore encourage you, parents and family members, to keep in contact and to be part of their RMC experience. This will make the adventure even more fulfilling in all respects.

From our family to yours, welcome! We look forward to meeting you along the way.

Brigadier-General Pascal Godbout, CD


Welcome to RMC, considered by many as the ‘university with a difference’ and for good reason. RMC is both a military unit, established by the RMC Act of 1874, and a provincially chartered university with the authority to confer undergraduate and graduate university degrees by virtue of the Royal Military College of Canada Degrees Act of 1959. We are honoured to have the Minister of National Defence as our Chancellor and President, and equally so to have the RMC Commandant as our Vice-Chancellor.

RMC has a proud history of inspiring Canadians and producing the highest quality of officers through excellence in education, research, and military training that is responsive to the needs of Canada, the Defence community and the ever-changing global security environment.

The high quality of the academic programs at RMC and its educational standards combined with the bilingual, physical fitness and military pillars are tailored to meet the needs of the service through university education. This experience enables young Canadians to learn and develop into future leaders.

The unique experiences and opportunities offered at RMC are made possible by our amazing, dedicated faculty and staff as well as the outstanding support from the RMC Alumni Association. You can play a critical role as well. There will be many opportunities for you to encourage, applaud, and celebrate successes, but also to listen to the needs of these young Canadians knowing that you too can help make a difference.

Dr. Heather Jill Scott, Principal


The RMC program that your young adults have embarked on is demanding academically, physically and mentally. It is designed to challenge them to strive to improve themselves within each of our areas of focus – academics, linguistics, fitness and military skills and leadership. They will learn how to balance the demands of each of these areas within the context of their personal strengths and areas for development.

The N/OCdts will be working within a military structure while at RMC. The Training Wing is responsible for the overall conduct, supervision and performance of the Cadet Wing, the N/OCdts and their military training development. Military training development includes professional military development, leadership development, team cohesion and physical fitness development. The DCdts is the Commanding Officer of the Training Wing and as such is the Commanding Officer for the N/OCdts while at RMC.

The Training Wing works with the entire RMC Team to support the N/OCdts in achieving success as they develop and take responsibility as young officer in the ownership of their future leader career.

This handbook offers context for many of the challenges, opportunities, and resources your family members will face. I personally ask for your support in encouraging and redirecting them to seek help when they need it. The services and resources we have available are there for them and at some point in their journey through RMC; each of them will need to call on those services. In senior years, they will have the additional responsibility of mentoring and leading the new N/OCdts. And then, four short years later, they will be prepared to take their place as Officers in CAF working in a complex and demanding operational environment.

Thank-you for your efforts in raising young Canadians with tremendous potential. In this next bound, I look forward to watching them progress in their development as young adults, as leaders and as members of the profession of arms in the CAF.

Colonel Cathy Blue, CD


The demands of an officer in today’s complex, rapidly changing environment are significant. Thus, the military pillar is designed to develop those personal skills, attributes and abilities that are observed in successful leaders. Introspection and self- awareness are essential to personal growth and development. The leadership training provided through RMC and summer training will prepare students for the occasions when they will have to make difficult decisions under stressful conditions. The nature of military leadership and military operations necessitates an in-depth understanding of human behaviour. The program at RMC includes military psychology and leadership, which are part of the required academic curriculum. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of personal integrity, ethical behaviour, and professional responsibility.

N/OCdts must strive to meet the principles upon which military personnel base their service to Canada. An officer’s most fundamental responsibility is to accomplish the mission for which they have been tasked. This may involve the most hazardous and demanding of circumstances and carry with it the responsibility for the lives of the people under their responsibility and the understanding that their own lives may also be at risk.

The goal of all N/OCdts at RMC is to become a Commissioned Officer in the CAF.

The professional development and the training that the N/OCdts receive at RMC and through summer training will prepare them for diverse responsibilities as junior officers. Fundamentally, they must demonstrate, at RMC, the capacity, the competence, and the courage to command and lead in this environment, and to look after their personnel.

The chain of command expects that all N/OCdts will demonstrate these principles while performing their command, leadership and other duties:

  • Lead by personal example and place their concerns, well-being and comfort after those of their subordinates;
  • Motivate, train, and develop those for whom they are responsible;
  • Demonstrate pride in and loyalty to Canada and to the CAF, leaders, units, personnel, and uniform;
  • Conduct themselves with honour, honesty, and integrity in all of their activities;
  • Base their decisions on solid moral and ethical values. Allow no discrimination, ill treatment or cruelty, and welcome the strength that diversity brings;
  • Ensure that the activities of their unit and the actions of their personnel are in accordance with the regulations of the CAF and the Code of Service Discipline;
  • Be professional and continually improve their competence as a leader through education, training, experience, and self- improvement;
  • Discharge all their duties in compliance with the regulations and orders of the CAF, the laws of armed conflict and the appropriate international conventions;
  • Respect and uphold the customs and traditions of the CAF and of their branch. Honour the memory of those who fought for the freedom of Canada;
  • Believe and act in accordance with the rule of law, and in the CAF as an instrument of the Government of Canada, and as representatives of all that is best in Canadian society; and
  • Lead the personnel of the CAF.



RMC does not tolerate sexual misconduct and violence and has procedures in place to protect victims and to deal with perpetrators.

To guide this effort, the CAF has implemented a culture evolution strategy created to prevent and address sexual misconduct in the CAF. The Path to Dignity and Respect: The CAF Sexual Misconduct Resource Strategy is designed to align behaviours and attitudes in the CAF with the principles and values of the Profession of Arms in Canada (Reference: www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/the-path-to-dignity-and-respect.html#1-3).

RMC is committed to ensuring that sexual misconduct is never minimized, ignored or excused, in order to cultivate the inclusive and respectful work environment that embodies the ethical principles and core values of the profession of arms. The College is presently reviewing its policies and procedures to create an environment free of sexual misconduct, and to provide the necessary support to victims of sexual misconduct in a timely manner.

RMC is an associate member of the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), thus, the College’s policies reflect not only those of the CAF/DND, but are also informed by the provisions of Ontario Bill C-132, Sexual Violence at Colleges and Universities under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act.

Those individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct and violence are not required to report the incident in order to obtain support and services. If a victim or survivor does wish to report an incident of sexual misconduct, they have a number of reporting options available to them on campus at the RMC, including their Chain of Command, the Military Police, the Sexual Misconduct Resource Centre (SMRC) and the Campus Security Control Centre.

RMC is committed to supporting those affected by sexual misconduct and violence and ensuring that those who perpetrate such acts are held accountable for their actions in accordance with applicable laws, orders, and policies. Investigations into cases of sexual misconduct are referred to civilian police, who are external to the chain of command.


The degree programme at RMC is based on the four pillars of academic studies, military training, physical fitness and bilingualism.


RMC delivers undergraduate academic programs in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Science, and Engineering in both official languages along with a unique military-relevant core curriculum that is directly connected to the Profession of Arms and that is fundamental for a career in the CAF.

The academic programs at RMC are governed by the Province of Ontario through the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), which is administered by the Ontario University Council on Quality Assurance, and subject to review every five years.

The engineering programs at RMC are accredited through the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) under Engineers Canada. Accreditation of undergraduate engineering programs ensures our graduates are prepared for licensure as professional engineers in Canada.

RMC offers 20 degree programs. The subjects in the curriculum and the programs are designed to be practical and applicable to future officers and to the CAF. Science and Engineering programs devote considerable time to the social sciences and humanities, while students in the the Social Sciences and Humanities program also take courses in mathematics and science.

The following academic programs are available at RMC:

Bachelor of Arts (Honours, Majors, double Honours, double Majors, and Minors available)

  • Business Administration
  • History
  • Business Economics
  • Military and Strategic Studies
  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • English, Culture, and Communication
  • Psychology
  • French, Literature, and Culture

Bachelor of Science (Honours, Majors, double Honours, double Majors, and Minors available)

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Computer Science
  • Space Science
  • Mathematics

Bachelor of Engineering

  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


In addition to their academic studies, N/OCdts receive two hours of officer Professional Development (PD) every Wednesday morning and on select training weekends. Subjects include leadership, ethics, communication, administration, discipline and drill. With each year of advancement, topics progress from general understanding to a more advanced application that will be required of them as leaders and supervisors. Lessons are facilitated by local and visiting subject matter experts, Squadron Leadership Teams (a Captain/Lieutenant (Navy) and Warrant Officer/ Petty Officer 2nd Class) and sometimes involve 4th year cadets as part of their own professional development.

During the senior years N/OCdts are given appointments within the Cadet Chain of Responsibility (CCoR) that allow further development of leadership skills. Some of these appointments are direct leadership positions, while others are administrative or technical. All appointees receive mentorship from an appropriate staff member ranging from Squadron Commanders to Support Services officers. Regular feedback is provided during their appointment by their assigned mentors, and N/OCdts in leadership positions are subject to evaluations by their peers and subordinates.

During the summer periods, following their first academic year, N/OCdts will complete the second module of their Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ), second language training if required, various trade related courses such as Primary Flight Training (PFT) or BMOQ-Army and On-the-Job Employment (OJE) related to their future occupation. There are also opportunities to participate in international internships and exchanges. The goal of summer training is to continue their paths towards operational functionality while providing valuable experience along the way.


RMC teaches N/OCdts the importance of physical fitness and developing a healthy lifestyle as a lifelong endeavour. RMC takes fitness beyond the theories into the practical with progressive physical fitness training and fitness standards. N/OCdts are required to take part in the physical education program, which helps them achieve and maintain a high level of fitness while learning the fundamentals in a wide variety of team and individual sports. Physical fitness has a direct relationship with one’s quality of life, mental health, and ability to manage stress. Team and individual sports help relationships beyond the court, establish and maintain a sense of belonging, and improve academic learning.

The Physical Education and Athletics program is designed to help each N/OCdt attain a high level of physical fitness and a level of skill in a wide variety of sports. N/OCdts are tested periodically to ensure that they meet fitness standards in terms of stamina, agility and strength in accordance with the RMC and CAF physical fitness standards.

The four years of physical fitness development are designed to help the N/OCdts achieve progressive levels of athletic and physical fitness. N/OCdts must participate in a scheduled two-hour physical education period each week as well as complete a physical fitness test twice per year. N/OCdts must also participate on a varsity team, a competitive club or in intramural sports. A variety of recreational clubs are offered and these activities are voluntary and may be conducted on their own time.

The first year of studies emphasizes proper training and conditioning techniques; the second year, team sports participation; the third year, military training, which includes hand-to-hand combat techniques and military fitness; and the fourth year specializes in a wide variety of activities and sports. Athletics classes range from swimming to strength training, hockey, racquet sports, rock climbing, hand-to-hand combat, yoga, and soccer.

Personal Support Personnel (PSP), who are experts in nutrition, personal training, sports rehabilitation, strength training, endurance, and related matters, lead these activities. The PSP staff are involved in the development and conduct of physical fitness training and testing. Upon request, the PSP staff will work with the N/OCdts to create an individualized physical training plan based on the N/OCdts’ fitness objectives and needs.



The bilingualism component reflects the bilingual heritage of Canada. Officers are expected to be fluent in both official languages. RMC provides the N/OCdts with instruction and opportunities to practice their language abilities by integrating both official languages into their daily activities at RMC. In order to encourage and reinforce the use of both languages, every two weeks the language of business alternates between the two official languages.

Qualification Standards in Relation to Official Languages: www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/staffing/qualification-standards/relation-official-languages.html

Second language training is mandatory for all students who have not yet attained the required proficiency in reading, writing and oral expression in their second official language. Second language ability will be essential to promotions later in their service in the CAF.

Upon arrival at RMC, students are assessed for their second language abilities. This testing establishes their proficiency and places them in an appropriate language developmental level. Some students arrive with a high degree of bilingualism, and through language testing, their proficiency is confirmed and they may be exempted from Second Language Training. For the other N/OCdts, once the required language proficiency is achieved, they may be exempted from further obligatory training. They are expected to maintain and improve their proficiency throughout their time at RMC.

To help students learn effectively, RMC uses various language- teaching methods:

  • Second language classes are scheduled throughout the academic program;
  • For one-half of each month on campus, activities outside the classroom are conducted in one of the official languages and the other half of the month is in the other official language. This means that orders and directives are given in the language of the day, and all activities and events outside of class are performed in that language;
  • Upon arrival at RMC, every effort is made to place first year N/OCdts in a dormitory room with someone whose first official language is the opposite of their own, in order to encourage each to use both languages during their first year; and
  • Academic courses are available in both English and French, which allows students to study in either official language and to complete all assignments and exams in the official language of their choice. Typically, the student will use the language of instruction of the course as the language for submissions of papers and presentations.

For more detailed information on the Four Pillars please go to RMC the University: www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/registrars-office/rmc-university#fce


The mission of RMC is to educate, develop, and inspire bilingual, fit, and ethical leaders who serve the CAF and Canada.

Our motto is “Truth Duty Valour,” and through continuous demonstration, the staff guides the N/OCdts to live the motto and become exemplary members of the College and the CAF.

RMC is a provincially chartered, bilingual university, delivering undergraduate (Bachelor) and graduate (Master’s and Doctorate) level academic programs. We also provide ongoing professional development education to meet the needs of the regular and reserve components of the CAF, as well as those of DND, and non-military students.

Our onsite College team consists of civilian and military faculty, military personnel, public servants, and contract personnel. Collectively, we ensure that the N/OCdts have the opportunity to achieve an internationally recognized undergraduate degree while also meeting the other components of the ROTP program. Like other universities, the faculty conducts research and participates in many symposia and other events.

Academic freedom is respected by the military and academic leadership of RMC. RMC faculty and staff exercise their academic freedom in their research and instruction while adhering to standards, which are appropriate for an accredited university.

RMC brings together future officers of our Navy, Army, and Air Force, both regular force and reserve, in a collegial and competitive environment. Through training and experiences gained throughout their four-year journey, N/OCdts learn to be leaders responsible for the safety, well-being, and morale of their peers and subordinates. The skills that they learn at RMC are directly applicable to their careers as officers. They learn that to achieve success they must respect and access the knowledge and experience of their entire team.



Truth is the quality of an officer to speak and act with honesty, without prevarication, and certainly without avoidance, misrepresentation, or deceit. Dishonesty is the mechanism that breaks down the integrity of an officer. If an officer lacks integrity, followers will recognize the leadership failure. Once the trust of subordinates is lost, it is nearly impossible to win it back.


Duty is the internal obligation to do what one knows to be right, whether by rule, regulation, law, or moral code. It makes no difference whether or not anyone knows of your action or whether or not it falls within the scope of your official duties. All officers must be mindful of the regulations they serve under and the duties and responsibilities that must be discharged. If in a position of command or seniority, an officer must be equally mindful of the actions of subordinates.


Valour is the moral strength required to discharge one’s duties honestly. It goes beyond physical courage in its boldness or determination in facing great danger. Valour is the concept that bridges the ideas of truth and duty. It is the moral courage to live honestly and to carry out one’s duty, no matter the circumstances.


The N/OCdts Wing is separated into divisions and each of the four divisions has a similar structure with the appointment of an N/OCdts as follows:

  • N/OCdts Division Leader (CDL)
  • Deputy N/OCdts Division Leader (DCDL)
  • Division Training Officer (CDTO)
  • N/OCdts Division Ops Officer (CDOpsO)
  • N/OCdts Division Administrative Officer (CDAdO)
  • Squadrons, in turn are subdivided into flights


RMC’s modern athletic facilities allow the N/OCdts to participate in many different sports and activities while improving their physical fitness. The Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (KMCSC) houses a 25-metre pool and hot tub, a 200-metre track, a spin room, cardio room, squash courts, a weight room and hardwood courts. There are also tennis courts, soccer fields, an ice rink, a beach volleyball court, and ample equipment that provide students with the opportunity to participate in water sports, including windsurfing, canoeing and kayaking.

The latest addition to the athletic facilities is the sports dome, which contains an 85-metre by 120-metre turf field. N/OCdts are also able to use facilities on CFB Kingston, including the golf and curling clubs, and the bowling alley.

The athletic facilities are used on a regular basis by the N/OCdts for intramural sports and physical education courses.

Varsity Sports

RMC is a member of Ontario University Athletics (OUA), one of four conferences that make up university sports. RMC’s varsity teams compete in the following OUA sports:

  • Fencing Men & Women
  • Hockey Men
  • Rugby Men
  • Soccer Men & Women
  • Volleyball Men & Women

Competitive Clubs

These clubs provide N/OCdts an enhanced opportunity for training and competition that are otherwise not available as recreational clubs. RMC’s competitive clubs include:

  • Running Men & Women
  • Rowing Men & Women
  • Rugby Women
  • Sailing Men & Women
  • Swimming Men & Women
  • Taekwondo Men & Women
  • Judo Men & Women

Intramural Sports

N/OCdts who are not members of a varsity team or a competitive club participate in the intramural program twice per week and may be involved in organizing and running intramural events, in which each of the 12 squadrons compete against each other for pride and stature. RMC currently offers, among many other sports, ice hockey, ball hockey, basketball, soccer, water polo, ultimate frisbee, and flag football.

Recreational Clubs

Recreational clubs are created and organized by the N/OCdts with the intent of providing leadership opportunities. They also provide a great way for the N/OCdts to burn off stress, and build friendships beyond the classroom. These clubs introduce different leisure and athletics activities to the RMC community not already offered through the varsity and intramural program. Some of RMC’s recreational clubs include:

  • Astronomy
  • Debate
  • Sport Parachuting
  • Aviation Enthusiasts
  • Expedition
  • Theatre
  • Chess
  • Multi-Sport
  • War Games
  • Climbing
  • Paintball/Airsoft
  • Windsurfing
  • Curling
  • Photography



In Ancient Greek city-states, the Agora was a gathering place that served as the centre of the athletic, spiritual, and political life of the city. The diversity of the groups that met there make Agora the ideal name for RMC’s support and social group for Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex Plus (2SLGBTQI+) communities and their allies.

The first meeting of Agora was held on October 23, 2017, in the Leadership Reading Room of Massey Library. Each Agora meeting commences with a ‘check in’ allowing each person to introduce themselves, and share how they are. An opportunity is then provided for the group members to mingle and share their views and experiences before reconvening for a final ‘check out.’

Meetings occur monthly and in addition to ‘talking circles,’ include guest speakers, film nights, social events and discussions on various topics. We invite all members of the RMC 2SLGBTQI+ communities and their allies to participate in Agora.


The Canadian Military Colleges Women’s Network (CMCWN) is more popularly known as the Athena Network. With the full support of the commandants and chains of command to provide women in the military college system, it offers opportunities to meet and share professional experiences through mentoring and networking activities.

The objective of the Athena Initiative is to support N/OCdts throughout their university career, create a climate conducive to academic thinking on issues of gender, and to provide individuals of different generations and genders with opportunities to come together and inspire one another.

Participation is open to all N/OCdts (irrespective of gender), students, faculty, staff, as well as ex-N/OCdts. Participation is free of charge and the focus of activities includes: networking activities, speed mentoring, professional development talks, lunch n’ learns, book club, and more.



The Academic Accommodation Policy at RMC supports students who require adjustments to the learning environment. These accommodations, which are established to equalize learning opportunities for neurodiverse students or those with temporary medical conditions, provide neither an academic advantage nor a disadvantage. Neurodiversity includes persons with ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Tourette’s syndrome, while a disability may include temporary medical conditions such as a concussion or a broken hand. Some examples of academic accommodations include extra time on exams and tests, permission to use assistive technology in class and on tests or having flexibility on deadlines. For more information, the N/OCdt can contact: accommodation@rmc-cmr.ca.


The MHC offers tutoring services in a relaxing, positive, and judgement-free environment. All of our tutors are highly qualified and experienced university mathematics teachers. The MHC runs throughout the academic year from the day after Labour Day through the end of the winter exam period. Students can refer to the MHC’s Moodle page for details.


RMC recognizes that significant university level learning can take place outside of post-secondary institutions and as such respects all forms of learning no matter how it is attained.

PLAR acknowledges the importance of this learning by providing an accessible, fair and academically rigorous process for assessing this learning to determine whether it meets the standards of university-level learning.

The goal is to enrich the learning experience of the student and to help them meet their academic potential while at the same time maintaining the academic integrity of RMC.

Students applying for admission into a programme of study who have completed programmes or courses at other universities, community colleges, International Baccalaureate, Advance Placement, or CEGEP (Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel) or professional training courses taken either within the CAF or through some other organization (whether in Canada or abroad), may seek to have their prior university-level learning recognized by RMC.

A PLAR request form is not required for sponsored ROTP students as a full assessment of their prior learning is part of the admission process, based upon the documentation provided by the student. Once an initial assessment is completed by the PLAR office, the student is informed via their RMC email account. Any missing/required documents (e.g. official transcripts and/or detailed course outlines) are requested at that time and must be forwarded to the RMC PLAR section immediately. It is crucial that requests for additional documents be actioned promptly in order to ensure that prior learning is assessed in time to apply results to first year scheduling.

During their time at RMC, ROTP students who wish to take courses at other institutions for credit toward their degree programme must obtain prior written permission in the form of a Letter of Permission (LoP). Any course(s) taken must satisfy a requirement identified in the student’s programme of study. Failure to obtain permission prior to the course start date will result in the denial of credit. Students must obtain an official Confirmation of Equivalency email from the PLAR office prior to submitting their request for a LoP.

For further information regarding Transfer Credits and Prior Learning Assessment (Undergraduate), please refer to the RMC website (under Admissions). Students are welcome to email any questions to plar-efa@rmc-cmr.ca.


Resilience Plus is an evidence-based resilience education, training, coaching, and research program. Its goal is to empower individuals to maximize their resilience and productivity, through the effective pursuit of personal and professional goals. The Resilience Plus team is made up of faculty members, alumni, and N/OCdt student ambassadors who offer a variety of initiatives to both the RMC and RMC Saint-Jean communities. Through our guiding pillars of education, training, coaching, and research, we provide the students, staff and faculty of RMC and RMC Saint-Jean with necessary resilience skills and tools that can be immediately applied to their personal and professional lives. Join the team on Facebook and Instagram to see previous and upcoming webinar workshops, monthly challenges, networking events, podcasts, and so much more!


The RMC College Success Centre was developed to enhance the quality of life on campus for students, faculty, and staff. The Centre is a one-stop shop where people can come for academic help, conflict management services, financial planning, healthier habits and access other programs and services personalized to individual needs.

RMC’s Success Centre supports members of the RMC community by listening, engaging in problem-solving, providing information and resources and/or referring them to other services that will enable successful outcomes.

The RMC Success Centre is physically located inside Massey Library in the Massey Building.The Success Centre also encompasses a Learning Commons space that includes a number of tables, chairs and white boards to encourage discussion and group work.

In addition to the Learning Commons, the office of the Writing Centre is adjacent to the Success Centre. The College Personnel Selection Officer, Math Help Centre, Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) and SISIP Financial, share the Success Centre office spaces at specific times. The RMC Success Centre is also connected to partners like Athletics, the Academic Wing and Training Wing, Health Promotion, Personnel Support Programs, CAF Health Services and much, much more.

Web page: www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/rmc-success-centre


Sentinels are a group of non-professional military volunteers who are screened and trained to provide peer support to others and in reporting trends and concerns to the Chain of Command through the Chaplaincy. Some key aspects of the Sentinel Program are:

  • the program is a command responsibility with the management of, training, mentoring and trend reporting assigned to the Chaplaincy.
  • designed to increase awareness and support networks;
  • designed to have pers trained in initial intervention, knowledgeable of available resources;
  • to help prevent and detect the emergence and aggravation of problems by recognizing the early signs of distress, and
  • to ensure that if/as necessary, members are quickly referred to the chain of command or caregivers i.e. Chaplains, Social Workers, and/ or Doctors.

Volunteers are screened by the applicable Chain of Command, the Chaplaincy and the Medical / Mental Health support team to ensure they have the support of their chain of command, and that we are not knowingly jeopardizing a person’s well-being by being exposed to the challenges of Peer Support. Once trained, Sentinels will be identified in Routine Orders and the qualification entered into Guardian - a human resources software.

A key element of the Sentinel program is feedback Chaplains provide to the Chain of Command. Sentinels meet regularly with a member of the RMC Chaplain Team to identify trends and issues that may need to be brought to the attention of the chain of command, and to discuss any personal challenges that may be arising from processing their peer encounters.


RMC provides an environment for members of all denominations to meet, pray and socialize. A quiet space for reflection is also available for those persons of no denomination.

The College Chaplains are available to lead prayer or provide counselling services. Protestant, Catholic and Islamic religious staff are available to help the N/OCdts navigate various topics, the military experience, and religion or other situations. RMC also has a faith group, and denominational services. Chaplains, working with the N/OCdts may, if asked, advocate on their behalf. Chaplains also provide counsel and, if appropriate, refer them to other helping professionals, such medical and mental health professionals or leaders of a particular faith group not represented on the premises by the RMC Chaplain Team.


The Writing Centre is a resource available for all RMC students. The Writing Centre offers one-on-one tutorials in any subject, discipline, program, or faculty, at all levels of study, and with any type of written communication (research papers, reflections, résumés, theses, creative writing, memos, service papers, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). Writing Centre tutors all have extensive teaching and tutoring experience in different fields: history, psychology, literature, business, engineering, biology, education, mathematics, and beyond.

Tutors will help students at any stage of the writing process: to understand assignments, brainstorm ideas, organize outlines, integrate evidence to develop arguments, check for proper citations of sources, revise drafts, and edit final documents. The Writing Centre is not an editing service but an academic unit dedicated to helping students improve their communication skills.

One-on-one tutorials are designed to meet the individual needs of the students. They may focus on clarifying a thesis, organizing ideas, developing a logical argument, designing compelling slides, or using correct grammar and punctuation. Tutors and students may discuss assignments, ideas, and struggles, they may brainstorm new ideas to start assignments, or they may read and discuss students’ texts together. Tutors will also share writing strategies and resources. Tutors will never grade students’ papers, so these collaborative tutorials should be relaxed and enjoyable.

Tutors are working in person in Massey Library and also online, through the Writing Centre’s scheduling system, at rmc.mywconline.com. Students can also find handouts and other resources on the Writing Centre’s Moodle page.

Additional information can be found at: www.rmc-cmr.ca/en/writing-centre/writing-centre


The mission of CFMWS is to contribute directly to the Forces’ philosophy “people first, mission always” through the provision of a full range of fitness, sports and recreation, family and charitable support, and retail and personal financial services that enable our people to focus on operational effectiveness and better tackle the unique challenges of military life.

N/OCdts at RMC should reach out to meet the CFMWS staff, located in Porter’s Lodge, as they have a number of different health and wellness related support and social opportunities for them. These people include their PSP, SISIP, and CANEX staff.


All retail locations at RMC accept Interac and there is an ATM on campus.


The Cadet Mess, not to be confused with the Cadet Dining Hall, is what we like to call “the N/OCdts Living Room” while they stay at RMC. It is a venue that is open every evening from 7pm until the crowds die down, where N/OCdt and invited guests can sit back and enjoy a drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and snacks while watching TV, playing pool and other games, or enjoying entertainment on special occasions. Every N/OCdt pays a membership to be part of this club and those monies go directly back to them in the form of activities and entertainment. N/OCdts can become part of the Mess Executive, which can be a rewarding opportunity to contribute to their peer’s social opportunities. N/OCdts are encouraged to join the ‘RMC Cadet Mess’ Facebook Group to keep up to date with the activities provided by their Mess.


CANEX is Canada’s Military Store that can be found on every base in the CAF including at RMC. The RMC CANEX known as the “Express Mart” is located on campus (in the basement of Yeo Hall) and provides snacks and drinks, essential health and personal hygiene items, sportswear, RMC souvenirs and clothing as well as the always popular self-pour Tim Horton’s kiosk. Additionally, the base has a larger CANEX Supermart at 29 Niagara Park Drive. N/OCdts receive a CFOne card upon joining and can use this for collecting their CANEX reward points and to take advantage of the no-interest credit plans as well as access to many other CFMWS delivered activities.

When military members and their families shop at Canex not only do they find great products and services but they can feel good that the proceeds from their purchases contribute to morale and welfare programs for all of our Canadian Forces communities including RMC. Visit www.canex.ca for great RMC merchandise for yourself, your family or your N/OCdt.


The CFOne Card will be issued to all N/OCdt upon entry in the CAF. This card is the rewards card for CANEX (the retail store on campus). It also can be presented at a number of businesses in Kingston to obtain discounts for everyday purchases. These businesses are advertised on the PSP Advantage website. National discounts are found on the CF Appreciation website.



Chez Brucie is the university’s snack bar located at the entrance of the Sawyer academic building. It provides the College with typical ‘grab and go’ style café products like coffee, specialty coffees, cold beverages, fresh soup, sandwiches, and breakfast sandwiches. It is open during the school year between 7:30 and 16:00 Monday to Friday. ‘Chez Brucie - Snack Bar/ casse croûte’ Facebook group keeps the College community up to date on the daily specials and any promotions being offered.


Strengthening the Forces, under the Directorate Force Health Protection, is a health promotion program designed to assist CAF personnel, to take control of their health and well-being. Maintaining a high level of health improves one’s ability to remain ready to deploy, to perform effectively and safely on CAF operations, and to enjoy a high quality of life. The emphasis in Health Promotion is PREVENTION of health-related problems as opposed to treatment.

Health Promotion courses are free and open to military personnel (Regular and Reserve Force), retired military personnel, and their families. Where space and resources allow, DND and Non-Public Fund (NPF) civilian employees are welcome to participate. Must be 18 or older.


As part of the first year physical training program, the N/OCdts receive three health promotion classes delivered in an interactive classroom format. The participants receive skills, tools and education on resiliency, stress management, positive self-talk, coping skills, time management, self-care, sleep hygiene, a variety of mental fitness exercises and much more. Health Promotion also provides opportunities for outreach to enhance the morale of the N/OCdts time at RMC. They have access to all health promotion Programs and services. Health Promotion programs are available to the entire CAF Community; Reg/Res CAF Members, Veterans, Civilian employees and family members, over the age of 18, of the aforementioned.

Registration: To register for any of the Health Promotion programs and campaigns, please visit www.pspkingston.com


The MFRCis the heart of the military community and administers the Military and Veteran Family Services Program. Dedicated staff are responsible for connecting military families, including families of RMC N/OCdts, to a wide range of programs and services. Their goal is to build strong, resilient individuals, families and communities.

We respect that military and veteran families come in all forms and self-define to include anyone of significance to CAF personnel or veterans. When you connect with an MFRC you will be greeted by friendly, caring people who understand the military lifestyle. You will be invited to ask questions as they relate to you and your military experience regarding relocations, absences and transitions.

Regardless of where the CAF members are located, family members and those of significance to the member can access information and support services from the MFRC closest to them.

Families experiencing an absence due to their loved one attending RMC are encouraged to contact their local MFRC for support (in-person and/or virtual):

  • Mental Health & Wellness Support
  • Warm Line Calls
  • Resources & Activities
  • Peer Support Groups
  • Community Service Providers

The Family Information Line (www.cfmws.ca/support-services/family-information-line) is a confidential, personal, bilingual and free service offering information, support, referrals, reassurance and crisis management to the military community. They service CAF members, Veterans and their families. 24/7 toll-free service at 1-800-866-4546 or FIL@CAFconnection.ca.

To contact the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre or to find out which MFRC is closest to you, please call 1-613-541-5010 ext. 5195 or email kmfrc@kmfrc.com.

For more information you can also visit kmfrc.com and select your location.


There are several different teams of PSP at RMC, including Athletics Staff (physical education teachers, coaches, recreation and intramural staff), their Messes, their Health Promotion Team, and the people that support the Unit Fund. Some of these programs are listed below.


Home | SISIP Financial - www.cfmws.ca/insurance-finance

Mission and mandate
The goal of financial counselling services is to contribute to the operational readiness of the CAF by providing tailored advice and product solutions to enhance the financial health and security of the members of the CAF Community and their families.
Services are free, confidential and unbiased.
Direct and indirect support to the ROTP population
The local SISIP office is located at the CANEX Mall, 29 Niagara Park Drive, Kingston (plus a satellite office within the RMC Success Centre). The Financial Counsellor, Financial Planner, and Insurance Representative onsite have the necessary knowledge and expertise to support the members and their families with all their financial and insurance needs, from budgeting, financial planning, investments, financial education, access to emergency assistance loans, to the SISIP Financial Term life insurance plans, Critical Illness insurance and Term 100, among others.
These services are tailored exclusively for our military members and are an excellent means to get our N/OCdts on the road to saving for their short and long term financial goals. Other financial resources are also made available for future use by cadets-turned- leaders to help the soldiers that will be under their command.
Your N/OCdt can contact their SISIP Advisor today to discover how you can plan for today, tomorrow and the future.


The RMC Alumni Association serves both the alumni and the current N/OCdts of the Canadian Military Colleges to provide guidance, mentorship, financial resources, and promotion of the history of the Colleges. It is an arm’s length proactive fundraiser for the Colleges providing funding for our future leaders of Canada to ensure that no opportunity is missed in their military, leadership, academic, athletic, or bilingualism training. For more information, visit: www.rmcalumni.ca


The Unit Fund is a fund that goes towards providing morale and welfare activities at the College. It is a grant given to the Colleges from the monies earned at the CANEX and SISIP operations on campus and the base. This grant then covers fully or partially many different activities that N/OCdts can attend. Both Staff and N/OCdts make up the Committee that decides how these monies are spent at the College. In the past the Unit Fund has sponsored ski trips, curling bonspiels, golf tournaments, boat cruises, the sunset ceremony fireworks, and Dueling Pianos show, to name just a few. These events provide social opportunities for the N/OCdts that contribute to positive mental, physical, and social wellbeing.


RMC is not authorized to disclose academic, medical, or other information about employees or the N/OCdts without the written consent of the individual, in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.



Upon arrival at RMC, first year N/OCdts will be assigned to squadrons, which will then be used to determine room allocation. Each squadron is assigned a specific dormitory. N/OCdts live and work together to foster esprit-de-corps and teamwork. They are responsible for keeping their rooms and common space clean and tidy at all times.

During the first three years, N/OCdts can expect to have to share a room with another N/OCdt. Fourth year N/OCdts will normally be provided with a single room if space is available.

Access to rooms is through a proximity card that is configured to their specific room and the outside door to their specific dormitory. Alternatively, each room can be accessed via a master key held by the RMC Security detachment if/when your N/OCdt accidently locks themself out of their room or dormitory.

In their rooms, all N/OCdts have a lockable door on at least one of their closets.. RMC recommends that the N/OCdts have tenant insurance just in case something unpredictable happens to the building or the room contents. The CAF does not carry insurance on any of its buildings; therefore, any damage or loss of N/OCdts personal effects or CAF supplied equipment is not covered unless the N/OCdt has insurance.

N/OCdts must reside on campus for the duration of their four-year program. The cost for meals and accommodation is taken directly from their monthly pay; therefore, they will dine in the N/OCdts Dining Hall. The meal plan provides core and supplemental nutrition to help the N/OCdts meet the l demands of their RMC experience. Food is prepared in accordance with specific religious requirements and dietary restrictions.

Upon request, Health Promotion personnel will provide individual education on healthy eating and guide N/OCdts in understanding their nutritional needs to meet the physical demands of fitness training.


Income Tax Receipts T2202
ROTP N/OCdts may find their T2202 through their ‘My Services’ Portal used by all RMC personnel. The T2202 may be attached to their income tax return but does not result in any tax credits UNLESS the N/OCdt paid for tuition out of pocket. CRA requests the enrolment in full/part-time study information (lines 32010 and 32020 of Schedule 11) for information purposes only.


The autumn and winter terms fall between September and May of each year, and during the course of any year, various events, such as parades, commemorations, convocations and other events also occur. Please consult the RMC website for an updated list of dates for events for the academic year.

We encourage you to visit the Royal Military College of Canada website www.rmc-cmr.ca for more information. From the RMC home page, please type “Key Dates’’ into the search bar, and then click on the “Undergraduate Calendar”. On this page, you will find key dates associated with important events at RMC for N/OCdts.


N/OCdts with less than 5 years of service are entitled to 20 days paid leave (vacation) per year. . Typically, leave will not be granted during the academic year; however, exceptions can be made for family emergencies, or seasonal holidays. The N/OCdts may be granted additional leave such as short and special days at the discretion of the chain of command.

Annual or Special Leave
The annual leave year is from April 1 to March 31. During the academic year, which typically commences on the last week of August and ends on the last week of April, subject to good conduct and performance, N/OCdts may be authorized leave in conjunction with the Thanksgiving weekend, fall reading week, Christmas and New Year’s holiday period, and during the February reading week.
Unless N/OCdts have a duty weekend or are under sanctions for conduct or performance, they are normally free to leave the campus on the weekends.
During the summer months, barring conflicts with formal occupation-related courses, attendance at Varsity Sports tryouts, or other such activities, N/OCdts will normally be granted a minimum of ten working days leave before returning to class for the Fall semester. There is no guarantee of ten consecutive working days.
Compassionate Leave
In the event of a family emergency, such as a severe illness, injury or death of an immediate family member, N/OCdts may be granted compassionate leave.
Compassionate leave is at the discretion of the chain of command, and must be requested by the N/OCdt and approved before they can travel. Compassionate leave does not count towards the annual leave entitlement.


The purpose of Leave Travel Assistance is to reduce the expenses for travel required while on leave to meet a family member. Your N/OCdt is able to make use of this benefit once per year. It is important to note that the first 400 Km of the most direct route by road are not reimbursed. Advances in LTA can be requested through the Claims Section.


N/OCdt “Insert N/OCdts first and last name” # Squadron
15 Valour Dr
Royal Military College of Canada PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario K7K 7B4 CANADA


N/OCdts’ spouses and immediate family members cannot be accommodated on campus.

All N/OCdts registered in the ROTP should expect to be living in the dormitory and have their meals at the Cadet Dining Hall. They should not expect to stay away from the campus during the night.

N/OCdts who are already married or common-law and choose to move their spouse to Kingston must find separate accommodations for their spouse. The vacancy rate in Kingston is low and finding accommodations can be quite difficult. Married quarters may be available at CFB Kingston.

Additional information, including guidance for finding a physician and other services, is available through the RMC Success Centre.


CAF personnel receive health care through a distinct health care structure, which exists outside of the provincial healthcare system while having full access to the provincial health care system for more complex care. N/OCdts access medical services at the RMC clinic and can be referred to the civilian health care system for specific needs. Emergency health and dental services are received through the civilian “hospital” network.

Dental Care:
Dental Services are a core part of the health care provided to your N/OCdt as a CAF member. This health care plan does not extend to families. The N/OCdt can opt to pay into the Public Service Health care plan, a group health care plan, which will provide discounts to the N/OCdts dependent family.
Health Care:
Primary and Tertiary medical care
The Canadian Forces Health Services centre is their primary care provider/family doctor. On site, there are physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medics, community health, environmental medicine, physiotherapy, pharmacy, social workers, psychiatrists, and a robust team of health promotion, healthy living and health educators just to name a few resources.


Shortly after their arrival at RMC, the N/OCdts will fill out a Next of Kin form (NOK) designating their next of kin. In the case of married N/OCdts, the spouse is the NOK. When the N/OCdt is not married, the parent(s) or legal guardian is considered the NOK unless otherwise specified by the N/OCdt.

In the event that the N/OCdts’ parents or legal guardians are living at different addresses, the N/OCdts will select one parent or guardian as their primary NOK. If the address or contact information changes, the N/OCdt is to provide a new NOK form. This address is used for calculation of leave travel assistance plus any communications coming from the College.


Parking for N/OCdts with a motor vehicle is available at the KMCSC. Parking is free although students must register their vehicle to get a parking pass. Unauthorized vehicles may be ticketed and towed.

N/OCdts do not need a motor vehicle to get around Campus or the local community. CFB Kingston operates a bus service between the base and RMC, while municipal buses service most of Kingston.


If you are planning a visit to RMC, please consult the RMC website www.rmc-cmr.ca - and type in “visit RMC” in the search bar to locate driving directions, campus maps and other important information.


Archaeological evidence suggests the presence of Indigenous people in the Kingston region about 9,000 to 3,000 years ago. There is evidence of Iroquois peoples during the Late Woodland Period (about 1000–500 CE), while the first more permanent encampments by Indigenous people began around 500 CE. Among them were the Wyandot people, or Huron, who were displaced by Iroquoian groups.

By the seventeenth century, the Five Nations Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) had settled along the north shore of Lake Ontario. Iroquois settlement began after French settlers established an outpost. By 1700, the north shore Iroquois had moved south, and the area once occupied by the Iroquois (which includes Kingston) was now occupied by the Mississauga, a subgroup of the Anishinabek, who had moved south from the area of Lake Huron and Lake Simcoe.

RMC was founded in 1874 when the Dominion Government,, passed an act in Parliament to establish a military college “for the purpose of providing a complete education in all branches of military tactics, fortification, engineering, and general scientific knowledge in subjects connected with and necessary to a thorough knowledge of the military profession.”

On June 1, 1876, the Military College of Canada opened its doors to the first class of cadets affectionately known as the “Old Eighteen.” Two years later, in 1878, the College was granted the prefix “Royal.”

“The Royal Military College of Canada Degrees Act, 1959,” empowers the College to confer degrees in Arts, Science, and Engineering. RMC offers a wide variety of programs in these three areas, at the undergraduate and graduate levels on site, through traditional studies, and by distance learning through the Division of Continuing Studies.

While women were accepted into ROTP, they were not present on campus until 1980. The first class of women is known as the ‘New Thirty- two,’ and with the ‘Old Eighteen,’ form the ‘Foundation Fifty.’

RMC also conducts the Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year (ILOY), which provides educational and leadership opportunities from Indigenous and Metis peoples from across Canada.

The College also offers graduate level degree programmes in many fields.

RMC graduates have served Canada through a variety of conflicts and peace support operations around the globe and in domestic operations across the country. Many alumni have also gone on to serve in many civilian occupations.


Lieutenant-Colonel (later Air Marshal) William Avery Bishop, VC
Billy Bishop, the famed Canadian flying ace of the Royal Flying Corps of the First World War, accounting for 72 planes and two balloons. He was the first ex-cadet to be awarded a Victoria Cross. A businessperson between the world wars, he returned to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force in the Second World War as the principal advisor on recruitment in the rank of Air Marshal.
Squadron Leader (later Brigadier-General) Len Birchall, OBE.
Named by Winston Churchill as the ‘Saviour of Ceylon’ for alerting the island of the approach of the Japanese Fleet, who spent the rest of the war as a Prisoner of War of the Japanese as the Senior Officer in three different POW Camps. He was the commandant of RMC from 1963-1967.
Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire (and later Senator)
A 1970 graduate of RMC, Dallaire served with the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, was commandant of CMR SAint Jean and in 1993-1994 commanded the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda. General Dallaire has campaigned to end the recruitment of child soldiers. He is also an author, advisor to the Canadian government and the UN and was a Canadian Senator between 2005 and 2014.
Colonel Jeremy Hansen
A graduate of RMC in 1999, Hansen completed CF-18 Fighter Pilot Training in 2003 and afterwards served with 441 Tactical Fighter Squadron and 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron; he was then the Combat Operations Officer at 4 Wing Operations. In 2009, he was one of two recruits selected by the Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Recruitment Campaign and in 2023 was selected for the Artemis II mission slated for a lunar ‘fly by’ in November 2024, which will make him the first Canadian astronaut to travel to the Moon. Hansen was also Canada’s flag bearer for the Coronation of King Charles III in May 2023.
Lieutenant-General Jennie Carignan
Lieutenant-General Jennie Carignan graduated from RMC in 1990, and on completion of training as a combat engineer officer, served with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in the Golan Heights, and the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia. She later commanded 5 Combat Engineer Regiment and was the deputy commander of 5e Groupe-brigade mécanisé du Canada in Valcartier. Carignan was the Commandant of CMR Saint Jean from 2013 to 2015, and then became the first woman in the combat arms to be promoted to general officer rank. She served as Chief of Staff, Operations, at Army Headquarters, and on promotion to major- general, commanded the Land Component CFLCG-1 (Coalition Force Land Component Command) in Iraq in 2019. Promoted to lieutenant- general, Carignan was appointed Chief Professional Conduct and Culture in 2021.
Brigadier-General Corinna Heilman
Brigadier-General Corinna Heilman graduated from RMC in 1997 and served in 2 Service Battalion, 2 General Support Battalion, 2 Field Ambulance, 1 Service Battalion and in 2015 as commanding officer, 2 Service Battalion. She deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan on Operation ATHENA in 2003 and 2004. Brigadier-General Heilman later served with the Canadian Army headquarters, Canadian Expeditionary Force Headquarters (now CJOC), and with the Strategic Joint Staff. She was the Director of Cadets at RMC until 2021, when after promotion to Brigadier-General, she became the Strategic J4 at National Defence Headquarters. In June 2022, she became the Chief of Staff Operations, Chief Professional Conduct and Culture at National Defence Headquarters.


Many other graduates of RMC have achieved distinction as members of the Canadian Parliament, cabinet ministers, municipal leaders, service with the United Nations, Rhodes Scholars, astronauts, medical and legal professionals, and in other capacities in Canada and overseas.


RMC Website







The CAF is a unified and integrated single service that includes three major environments based on the land, sea or air elements; known as the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. Other commands provide other specialities and services. Based on the graduate’s choice they are assigned to one of the three environments and provided with the appropriate uniform. There are personnel, typically in support occupations such as medical, and logistics who wear one environmental uniform, and serve in one of the others.


The ‘N’ denotes Naval Cadets, while the ‘O’ is for those Officer Cadets aspiring for careers in the Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force.

This handbook has been assembled to provide information that we hope you will find useful. We recognize that everyone has different information needs; we welcome your feedback and suggestions for additional content.

Please send your feedback to successcentre-centredesucces@rmc-cmr.ca

Date modified: