Mme. Alice Gianotti (elle/la) |
Formation en langue seconde |
- Enseignement du français comme langue seconde
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 3745; (613) 217-1084 |
Mme./Prof. Stéphanie Chouinard (elle/la) |
Science politique et économie |
- Politique canadienne
- Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2019, « Le fédéralisme », dans Aude-Claire Fourot, Jérémie Cornut, et Rémi Léger (dirs.), Le Canada dans le monde, Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, pp. 45-62.
- Politique provinciale
- Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2021, « ‘For the People’ : le tournant populiste du Parti progressiste-conservateur de l’Ontario sous le leadership de Doug Ford », dans Frédéric Boily (dir.), Les droites provinciales en évolution, 2015-2020 : Conservatisme, populisme et radicalisme, Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, pp. 51-66.
- Langues officielles
- Chouinard, Stéphanie, 2021, « Cinquantième anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles: À l’aube d’une réforme, quel legs et quel avenir pour les langues officielles au Canada? », Revue internationale d’études canadiennes, vol. 59, pp. 22-28.
- Politique judiciaire
- Chouinard, Stéphanie, et Danielle McNabb, 2023 “Can equity-seeking groups become “haves” in Canada’s judicial system? A study of Francophone minority communities’ strategic intervention in the domain of language rights”, Revue d’études constitutionnelles / Review of Constitutional Studies
Français, anglais | |
(613) 451-6000, poste 5311 |
Dr Walter Dorn (he/him) |
Defence Studies |
- Maintien de paix et opérations de paix de l'ONU; Contrôle des armes et vérification des armements ; Sécurité internationale et l'Organisation des Nations Unies; Afrique, RCA, République démocratique du Congo, Gaza, Haïti, Ukraine et autres régions en conflit
English, French | |
Mme. Chantel Lavoie (elle/la) |
Anglais, culture et communications |
- Littérature et culture pour enfants
- Writing through Boyhood in the Eighteenth Century: Age, Gender, and Work (University of Delaware Press, 2023);
“Thinking, Doing, and Delaying Insemination in L’Engle’s Many Waters,” in Dimensions of Madeleine L'Engle: New Critical Approaches, ed. Suzanne Bray. McFarland, 2016: 51-64;
“Lies, Lies, Lies: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Harry Potter” in Reading Harry Potter Again: Critical Essays II, ed. Giselle Anatol. Santa Barbara: CLEO, 2009: 77-87;
“Safe as Houses: Sorting and School Houses at Hogwarts,” in Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays, ed. Giselle Anatol. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 2003: 35-49.
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 3843 |
M. François Caron (il/lui) |
Chimie et génie chimique |
- Radioactivité environnementale
- Gérant du laboratoire SLOWPOKE-2
- Laboratoire SLOWPOKE-2
- Petits réacteurs modulaires – évaluation économique
- Team Report
- Émissions des réacteurs et gestion des déchets
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6351; 705-698-4404 |
Mme. Tanya Grodzinski (elle/la) |
Histoire et études sur la guerre |
- Le personnel militaire au Canada et au Commonwealth
- La Guerre anglo-américaine de 1812
- L’histoire navale
- L'Armée canadienne de 1946 à 2001
Anglais | |
(613) 530-6734 |
Mme. Barbara Zeeb (elle/la) |
Chimie et génie chimique |
- Phytoremédiation
- Litalien & Zeeb 2020
- Écotoxicité
- Pang et al. 2023
Anglais, allemand | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6713; 613-483-2649 |
Houchang Hassan-Yari |
Science politique et économie |
- Moyen-Orient : enjeux et acteurs stratégiques
- Conflit arabo-israélien
- République islamique d’Iran : Les Gardiens de la révolution et leurs mandataires
- Questions de sécurité et de défense dans une reconfiguration du Moyen-Orient
Anglais, français | |
(613) 384-9219: (613) 770-3506 |
M. Pierre Jolicœur (il/lui) |
Science politique et économie |
- Russie
- États postsoviétiques
- Ukraine
- Caucase
- Balkans
- Mouvement sécessionniste et d’indépendance
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6970 |
Mme. Adelhid Nicol (elle/la) |
Psychologie militaire et leadership |
- Préjudice
- Nicol & De France, 2022; Nicol & De France, 2018; Nicol, De France, & Gagnon, 2021; Nicol & Rounding, 2013
- Sexisme
- Nicol, De France, & Mayrand Nicol, 2022; Deng, Ford, Nicol, & De France, 2023
- Préjudice et les élèves-officiers et les aspirants de marine
- Nicol & De France, 2020; Nicol & Rounding, 2014; Deng, Nicol, & Suurd Ralph, 2023; Deng, Ford, Nicol, & De France, 2023
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6410 |
M. Ribal Georges Sabat (il/lui) |
Physique |
- Guerre électro-optique
- Spectroscopie et imagerie
- Matériaux optiques
- Optique et nanotechnologie
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6721 |
Capt./M. Arthur Gullachsen (il/lui) |
Histoire et études sur la guerre |
- Bataille de Normandie (Deuxième Guerre mondiale)
- A.W. Gullachsen, An Army of Never-Ending Strength (2021)
- Puissance maritime
- A.W. Gullachsen, Bloody Verrieres Vol . I (2022)
- Puissance aérienne
- A.W. Gullachsen, Bloody Verrieres Vol. II (2023)
- Histoire militaire de l’Allemagne
- Histoire militaire canadienne
- Pertes et renforts de l’Armée canadienne pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale
Anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 8404 |
Mme. Mariya Marinova |
Chimie et génie chimique |
- Processus de conversion de la biomasse
- doi: 10.3389 / fbioe.2020.619066
- Produits renouvelables
- Intégration de processus
- Économie circulaire
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 3847 |
Dr Viet-Hung Vu (il/lui) |
Génie mécanique et aérospatial |
- Mécanique des solides
- viet-hung vu (0000-0003-4847-0696) - ORCID
- Vibrations des machines et des structures
- Dynamiques et fatigue
- Surveillance de la santé des structures
Français, anglais | |
(514) 836-0910 |
Dr Ali Dizboni (il/lui) |
Science politique et économie |
- Le Moyen-Orient, l’Iran, la religion, l’extrémisme, la prolifération, les conflits, le terrorisme, la démocratisation et les dimensions militaires
Anglais, français | |
(613) 484-5160 |
Maj./M. John Keess (il/lui) |
Histoire |
- La Guerre froide
- Keess, John "Strategic Parasitism, Professional Strategists and Policy Choices: The Influence of George Lindsey and Robert Sutherland on Canadian Denuclearisation, 1962-1972." Canadian Military History 29, 1 (2020)
- La politique canadienne de défense
- John Keess (2020) International Society, Health, and Defiance:An English School Analysis of Melian and Belgian Responses to Wartime Ultimata, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 31:3, 405-428, DOI: 10.1080/09592296.2020.1782671
- La dissuasion
- Canadian International History Committee, “PRISONERS OF THE PAST? A Conversation about History and Policy,” 12 April 2022,;
Keess, John. “Freed by Limits: The Strategic Realities of the Canadian Army, Close Engagement, and the Potential for a new way of thinking about Canadian Land Power.” Canadian Army Journal, 19, no.3 (2022): 62-71
Keess, John. “In Defence of Victory: A Reply to Brigadier-General Carignan’s ‘Victory as a Strategic Objective.’” Canadian Military Journal 18, no. 3 (2018): 37–46.
Anglais | |
(613) 281-3624 |
M. Nicholas Vlachopoulos (il/lui) |
Génie civil |
- Génie géotechnique/géomécanique
- Stabilité de l’excavation souterraine et conception du support pour les tunnels en roche faible
- Vlachopoulos, N., Vazaios, I., Forbes, B. and Carrapatoso, C. 2020. Rock Mass Structural Characterization through the use of a Methodology including Discrete Fracture Network, LiDAR and Distributed Optical Sensing. Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 38(6), 6231-6244, DOI: 10.1007/s10706-020-01431-1, Fall, 2020.
- Analyse numérique/Modélisation de problèmes environnementaux et géotechniques (amélioration des techniques de modélisation)
- Vlachopoulos, N., Carrapatoso, C., Holt, S,W., Cruz, D., Forbes, B. 2020. An Investigation into Support Interaction of Ground Support through Numerical Modelling and Laboratory Testing, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 38(6), 5719-5736, DOI: 10.1007/s10706-020-01389-0; Summer, 2020.
- Amélioration des techniques de caractérisation des sols grâce à l’apprentissage automatique et à l’intelligence artificielle
- Farmakis, I., DiFrancesko, P-M, Hutchinson, D.J., and Vlachopoulos, N., 2022. Rockfall Detection using LiDAR and Deep learning. Journal of Engineering Geology, August 2022.
- Évaluation des dangers et gestion des risques dans les travaux géotechniques
- Vlachopoulos, N., Tatone, B.S.A., Lisjak, A.,Mahabadi, O.K.,Cruz, D., Forbes, B., Carrapatosso, C. 2020. The Performance of Axially Loaded, Fully Grouted Rock Bolts Based on Pull-Out Experiments Utilizing Fiber Optics Technology and Associated Numerical Modelling of such Support Elements. Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s10706-019-01098-3.
- Optimisation de la conception et des techniques de construction des tunnels, des mines et des bunkers souterrains
- Su, Ya, Su, Yonghua, Zhao, M. Vlachopoulos, N. 2020. An Estimation Approach to the Ultimate Radial Displacement for Tunnels Excavated in Weak Rock Masses, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, RMRE-D-19-01092, 2 Nov 2020.
- Amélioration de la conception, de la maintenance et de l’exploitation des ouvrages géotechniques militaires
- Vlachopoulos, N., Cruz, D., and Forbes, B. 2017. Utilizing a Novel Fiber Optic Technology to Capture the Axial Response of Fully Grouted Rock Bolts. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Submitted 26 July 2017, JRMGE-2017-225, V10 N3 2018.
- Creusement de tunnels responsable qui comprend des solutions durables
- Vlachopoulos, N., and Diederichs, M.S. 2009. Improved longitudinal displacement profiles for convergence confinement analysis of deep tunnels. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 42(2): 131–146. DOI:10.1007/s00603-009-0176-4.
- Génie de l'environnement (Équipe verte du CMR)
- Construction écologique/Technologies de développement durable
- Vlachopoulos, N. and Basso, T. 2015. An Investigation into Sustainable Building Evaluation Strategies for use within the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence. Canadian Military Journal. Vol. 15, No. 2, Spring 2015.
- Optimisation de l’infrastructure militaire – au pays et à l'étranger
- Helmer-Smith, H., Dagenais, MA. & Vlachopoulos, N. 2023. Long-term deflection monitoring of a heritage, timber truss structure, and development of an integrated emergency alarm program. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.
- Réduction des gaz à effet de serre dus aux opérations militaires
- St-Jean, K., Moore, K., Vlachopoulos, N. and Skordaki, E.M. 2023. Fuel Efficiency Monitoring of Military Transport Aircraft Within the Canadian Armed Forces. Annual Conference for the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Moncton, New Brunswick, 24-27 May 2023.
- Surveillance de la consommation d’énergie et des autres technologies
Anglais, français, Grec | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6398 |
Mme. Caroline D'Amours (elle/la) |
Histoire |
- La culture militaire
- « Canadian Military Culture and Tactical Training, 1940 – 1944: The Making of Infantry Junior NCOs », Journal of Military History, vol. 82, no 4 (octobre 2018), p. 1175-1198.
- Les Canadiens français et les guerres mondiales
- « La question de l'engagement du Canada français » dans Claude Quétel (dir.), La Seconde Guerre mondiale vue autrement, Paris, Éditions, Buchet Chastel (2022), p. 30-45.
- La formation au combat de l’Armée canadienne lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
- « Preparing the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division for the Normandy Campaign, 1942-1944, Active History, 5 juillet 2019.
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 3763 |
Prof Sean Watt (il/lui) |
Génie civil |
- Hydraulique, Hydrologie, Traitement de l’eau et des eaux usées, Prévision et avertissement des inondations, Glace, Conception et élaboration à faible incidence, Gestion des eaux pluviales, Délimitation des plaines inondables, Structures de contrôle de l’eau
anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6600 |
Prof Marc LaViolette (il/lui) |
Génie mécanique et aérospatial |
- Thermodynamique; moteurs à combustion interne; turbine à gaz; turbine à vapeur; histoire du Génie mécanique
Français, anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6373 |
Lt-Col Mike Dunning (il/lui) |
Sciences militaires appliquées |
- Sciences militaires appliquées
- Programme d’état-major technique de l’Armée (PEMTA) et Programme d’adjudant technique de l’Armée (PATA)
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6555 |
Mme. Sarah Johnson (elle/la) |
Anglais, culture et communications |
- Théâtre du début de l’époque moderne; Littérature du début de l’époque moderne
- Staging Women and the Soul-Body Dynamic in Early Modern England. Ashgate, 2014.
“Militant Complaint in Margaret Cavendish’s Bell in Campo.” Women’s Writing, vol. 28, no. 3, 2020, pp. 352-67.
“Pride and Gender in Fletcher’s Bonduca.” Modern Philology, vol. 115, no. 1, 2017, pp. 80-104.
“The Female Body as Soul in Queen Anna’s Masques.” SEL Studies in anglais Literature 1500-1900, vol. 53, no. 2, 2013, pp. 357-77.
“‘A Spirit to Resist’ and Female Eloquence in The Tamer Tamed.” Shakespeare, vol. 7, no. 3, 2011, pp. 309-24.
“‘Away, stand off, I say’: Women’s Appropriations of Restraint and Constraint in The Birth of Merlin and The Devil Is an Ass.” Early Modern Literary Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2009, 30 paragraphs.
“Female Bodies, Speech, and Silence in The Witch of Edmonton.” Early Theatre, vol. 12, no. 1, 2009, pp. 69-91.
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6448 |
M. Mourad Djebabla (il/lui) |
Histoire et études sur la guerre |
- La Première Guerre mondiale; la mémoire; le 11 novembre; le front domestique; la pensée militaire; l’histoire militaire
Français | |
(438) 863-9996 |
Mme. Alexandra Zidenberg (elle/la) |
Psychologie militaire et leadership |
- Psychologie médico-légale et correctionnelle
- Wormith & Zidenberg - The historical roots, current status, and future applications of the risk-need-responsivity model (RNR);
Zidenberg et al. - Correctional and forensic contexts of d/Deaf persons: implications for assessment and treatment;
Zidenberg - Avoiding the deaf penalty: a review of the experiences of d/Deaf individuals in the criminal justice system
Zidenberg et al. - Cost analysis of the Saskatoon Mental Health Strategy (MHS) court
- Violence sexuelle; violence fondée sur le sexe; sexualité humaine
- Sparks et al - Involuntary Celibacy: A Review of Incel Ideology and Experiences with Dating, Rejection, and Associated Mental Health and Emotional Sequelae;
Sparks et al - One is the loneliest number: Involuntary celibacy (incel), mental health, and loneliness;
Wright et al - Speak Out: Lessons on How to Support Canadian 2SLGBTQI Youths Who Face Gender-Based Violence;
Zidenberg et al. - Tipping the Scales: Effects of Gender, Rape Myth Acceptance, and Anti-Fat Attitudes on Judgments of Sexual Coercion Scenarios;
Zidenberg & Olver - Measurement and correlates of zoophilic interest in an online community sample
- Préjugés liés au tatouage
- Zidenberg et al - “No ragrets”: Public perceptions of tattooed mental health professionals.
Anglais, français |; |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6017 |
Mme. Grazia Scoppio (elle/la) |
Département des études de la défense |
- L’éducation et le perfectionnement professionnel dans les Forces armées canadiennes
- Scoppio, G. & Lagerlof, B. (in press). “The first Partnership for Peace Consortium workshop on Women Peace and Security in Professional Military Education: reflections, considerations and the way ahead.” Canadian Military Journal;
Scoppio, G. & Covell, L. (2016). Mapping Trends in Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Technologies: Perspectives from the Canadian, International and Military Education Contexts. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 46, No. 2;
Scoppio, G. & Luyt, I. (2015). Mind the gap: enabling online faculty and instructional designers in mapping new models for quality online courses. Education and Information Technologies Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10639-015-9452-y
- La diversité, la culture et le genre dans les organisations militaires
- Scoppio, G., Otis, N., Yan, Y. & Hogenkamp, S. (2020). Experiences of Officer Cadets in Canadian Military Colleges and Civilian Universities: A Gender Perspective. Armed Forces & Society.;
Scoppio, G. (2018). Embracing Indigenous Culture in Military Organizations: The Experience of the Mãori in the New Zealand Military. In Jean-François Savard & Whitney Lackenbauer (Eds.) “The Role of Indigenous People in Armed Forces – Canadian and International Perspectives” Special Issue, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Vol. 19, Issue 2;
Scoppio, G., Otis, N., & Yan, Y. (2018). Looking at recruiting and selection for the Canadian Military Colleges through the lens of Gender Based Analysis Plus. Res Militaris, the European Journal of Military Studies. Vol.8, No.1. res_militaris_article_scoppio-otis-yan_recruiting_for_cmcs_through_gba_plus-1.pdf
- Les immigrants, la sécurité et l’Armée
- Scoppio, G. & Greco, S. (Eds). (2022). The Power of Diversity in the Armed Forces: International Perspectives on Immigrant Participation in the Military. McGill-Queen’s University Press.;
Scoppio, G., Otis, N. & Yan, Y. (2022). The Military as a Path to Citizenship, Integration, and Identity: Visible Minorities and Immigrants’ Perspectives about the Military in Canada. In Grazia Scoppio & Sara Greco (Eds.) The Power of Diversity in the Armed Forces: International Perspectives on Immigrant Participation in the Military. McGill-Queen’s University Press;
Scoppio, G. & Winter, W. (2020). “Immigrants to Canada: Welcomed citizens or security threats?” In Yiagadeesen Samy & Howard Duncan (Eds.), International Affairs and Canadian Migration Policy – Canada Among Nations. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Anglais, français, italien | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6824 |
Mme./Prof Jane Boulden (elle/la) |
Études sur la guerre et science politique |
- Les armes nucléaires
- Boulden, Thakur, Weiss, The United Nations and Nuclear Orders, United Nations University Press,
- Le maintien de la paix avec les Nations Unies
- “Rwanda: Lessons Observed. Lessons Learned? Journal of International Peacekeeping, 22, 2018, pp. 265-281.
“The Protection of Civilians and Stabilization in Peace Operations Mandates: An Analysis of Their Impact on Consent, Impartiality, and the Use of Force,” Peace Research, vol. 50, no. 2, 2018, pp. 9-28.
Boulden, Peace Enforcement, Praeger.
- Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies
- “Past Futures for the UN Security Council,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vol. 21, Fall 2020, pp. 80-85.
“The Rise of the Regional Voice in UN Security Council Politics,” Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy & International Relations, Summer/Fall2012, Vol. 13 Issue 2, pp. 63-71.
“Double Standards, Distance and Disengagement: Collective Legitimization in the Post-Cold War Security Council,” Security Dialogue, vol. 37, no. 3, September 2006, pp. 409-423.
“Mandates Matter, An Exploration of Impartiality in UN Operations,” Global Governance, vol. 11, no. 2, 2005, pp. 147-160.
- Les sanctions des Nations Unies
- >Norms and Sanctions in Charron and Portella, eds., Multilateral Sanctions Revisited, McGill-Queen's, 2022.
Jane Boulden, Andrea Charron, guest editors, “UN Sanctions, New Dilemmas and Unintended Consequences,” International Journal, vol. LXV, no. 1, Winter 2009-2010.
- La gestion des conflits internationaux
- Jane Boulden, ed., Responding to Conflict in Africa, the United Nations and Regional Organizations, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
- La politique étrangère du Canada
- “Canada, the United Nations and World Order,” in Robert W. Murray, Paul Gecelovsky, eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Canada in International Affairs, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp. 161-177.
Anglais |; |
(613) 449-3385 |
Dr/Prof Marc-André Dagenais (il/lui) |
Génie civil |
- Ingénierie structurale
- Ponts (mobilité des convois militaires/soutien des systèmes de pontage militaire)
- Everitt, A., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G., MacDonald, A. (2023). “Comparative Dynamic Load Effects of Tracked and Wheeled Military Vehicles on Bridges”. Journal of bridge engineering ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/JBENF2.BEENG-6394
Pinkney, B., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G. (2022). “Dynamic Load Testing of a Modular Truss Bridge Using Military Vehicles.” Engineering Structures, Elsevier. DOI:
Pinkney, B., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G. (2020). “Dynamic Loading Effect Testing of a Modular Truss Bridge: Procedures and Resultant Data Set.” Journal of bridge engineering ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001656
Everitt, A., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G. (2020). “Dynamic Load Effects of Wheeled and Tracked Military Vehicles on a Steel Girder Composite Bridge”. Journal of bridge engineering ASCE. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001672
- Béton à hautes performances
- Tremblay, J.S., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G. (2020). “Ballistic Resistance of UHPFRC Panels Subjected to Amor-Piercing Projectiles”. Journal of materials in civil engineering ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003600
Michaud, D., Fam, A., Dagenais, M.-A. (2020). “Development length of sans-coated GFRP bars embedded in Ultra-High-performance concrete with very small cover. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier. DOI:
Beirnes, M., Dagenais, M.-A., Wight, G. (2018). “Cold Temperature Effects on the Impact Resistance of Thin, Lightweight UHPFRC Panels.” International journal of impact engineering. Volume 127 (110-121).
Dagenais, M.-A., Massicotte, B., Boucher-Proulx, G. (2018). “Seismic Retrofitting of Rectangular Bridges Piers with Deficient Lap Splices using Ultrahigh-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.” Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE. 23(2)
Dagenais, M.-A., Massicotte, B., (2016). “Cyclic Behaviour of Lap Splices Strengthened with Ultrahigh Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete.” Journal of structural engineering ASCE. 143(2)
Dagenais, M.-A., Massicotte, B., (2014). “Tension Lap Splices Strengthened with Ultrahigh-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ASCE. 27(7)
- Surveillance de l’état des structures
- Helmer-Smith, H., Dagenais, M.-A., Vlachopoulos, N. (2023). “Long-term deflection monitoring of a heritage, timber truss structure and development of an integrated emergency alarm program” Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.
Helmer-Smith, H., Vlachopoulos, N., Dagenais, M.-A., and Forbes, B. (2021). “In-situ load testing of a WWII era timber Warren truss in the development of a structural health monitoring program.” Engineering Structures., 239: 112274.
Helmer-Smith, H., Vlachopoulos, N., Dagenais, M.-A., and Forbes, B. (2021). “Comparison of Multiple Monitoring Techniques for the Testing of a Scale Model Timber Warren Truss” FACETS 6: 1-24. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2021-0001
Français, anglais | |
(514) 245-8844 |
Prof émérite Randall Wakelam |
Histoire |
- L’histoire militaire canadienne; l’histoire de la puissance aérienne; les acquisitions militaires; l’éducation militaire
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6615 |
Dr James (Jim) Denford |
Gestion |
- Les politiques et la gouvernance de l’intelligence artificielle
- Denford, JS, Dawson, GS and Desouza, KC. (2023) “A cluster analysis of national AI strategies.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Denford, JS, Dawson, GS and Desouza, KC. (2023) “WEIRD AI: Understanding what nations include in their artificial intelligence plans.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Dawson, GS, Desouza, KC and Denford, JS. (2022) “Understanding artificial intelligence spending by the U.S. federal government.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2022) “Interpreting National Artificial Intelligence Plans: A Screening Approach for Aspirations and Reality,” Economic Analysis and Policy.
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2022) “How countries are leveraging computing power to achieve their national artificial intelligence strategies.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2021) “The people dilemma: How human capital is driving or constraining the achievement of national AI strategies.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2021) “Winners and losers in the fulfillment of national artificial intelligence aspirations.” In Brookings Institution TechTank
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Denford, JS and Dawson, GS. (2021) “What Explains Governments Interest in Artificial Intelligence? A Signalling Theory Approach,” Economic Analysis and Policy.
Fatima, S, Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2021) “Analyzing artificial intelligence plans in 34 countries.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
- La gouvernance, la stratégie et le leadership en matière de technologies de l’information dans le secteur public
- Denford, JS, Dawson, GS, Desouza, KC and Mancharan, AP. (2022) “Assessing the Relevance of Governmental Characteristics to Address Wicked Problems in Turbulent Times.” In Public Management Review.
Denford, JS and Schobel, KB. (2021) “Public Sector CFOs and CIOs: Impacts of Work Proximity and Role Perceptions,” Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change.
Denford, JS, Dawson, GS and Desouza, KC. (2020) “Centralization and Decentralization Decisions: Multiple Contingencies for IT Governance.” AIS Transactions on Replication Research.
Denford, JS, Dawson, GS and Desouza, KC. (2019) “Performance Impacts of Structure and Volition in Implementing Policy through IT-Enabled Government-to-Citizen and Government-to-Employee Interactions,” Economic Analysis and Policy.
Denford, JS, Desouza, KC and Dawson, GS. (2018) “Learning from IT Centralization: Who Should Own the Data?” Cutter Business Technology Journal.
Desouza, KC, Denford, JS, and Krishnamurthy, R. (2018) “How the US Federal Communications Commission managed the process of IT modernization.” Chapter 22 in Urbach, N and Röglinger, M (Eds) Case Studies on Digitalization - How Companies Rethink Their Business for the Digital Age.
Dawson, GS, Denford, JS, Williams, C, Preston, D and Desouza, KC. (2016) “An Examination of Effective IT Governance in the Public Sector Using the Legal View of Agency Theory.” Journal of Management Information Systems.
Dawson, GS, Denford. JS and Desouza, KC. (2016) “Governing Innovation in U.S. State Government: An Ecosystem Perspective,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
Denford, JS. (2016) “Idea to Retire: Decentralized IT Governance.” In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2015) A Playbook for CIO-Led IT Innovation in the Federal Government. Washington, DC: IBM Center for the Business of Government.
Dawson, GS, Denford, JS and Desouza, KC. (2014) ""Four Lessons for State Government Innovation."" In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Dawson, GS, Denford, JS and Desouza, KC. (2014) ""Are Rock Star CIOs the Secret to Public Innovation?"" In Brookings Institution TechTank.
Desouza, KC, Dawson, GS and Denford, JS. (2014) ""The 'Rock Star' Government CIO, Redefined."" Information Week.
Schobel, KB and Denford, JS. (2013) “The Chief Information Officer and Chief Financial Officer Dyad in the Public Sector - How an Effective Relationship Impacts Individual Effectiveness and Strategic Alignment.” Journal of Information Systems.
- La jonction des domaines des technologies de l’information et de la connaissance
- Levallet, N, Denford, JS and Chan, YE. (2021) “Following the MAP (Methods, Approaches, Perspectives) in IS Research,” Information Systems Research.
Chan, YE, Denford, JS and Wang, J. (2019) “The Co-evolution of IT and Knowledge with Agility in Micro and Small Enterprises,” Journal of Information and Knowledge Management.
Denford, JS and Ferris, AE. (2018) “Absorption, Combination and Desorption: Boundary Spanning Capacities in Knowledge Cycles,” Journal of Knowledge Management.
Chan, YE, Denford, JS and Jin, JY. (2016) “Competing through Knowledge and Information Systems Strategies: A Study of Small and Medium-Sized Firms,” Journal of Information and Knowledge Management.
Denford, JS. (2013) “Building Knowledge: Developing a Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capabilities Typology.” Journal of Knowledge Management.
Denford, JS and Street, CP. (2013) “Dynamic Knowledge Capabilities in Strategic Alliances.” Chapter 4 in Das, TK (Ed) Managing Knowledge in Strategic Alliances.
Denford, JS and Chan, YE. (2011) “Knowledge Strategy Typologies: Defining Dimensions and Typologies.” Knowledge Management Research and Practice.
Alavi, M and Denford, JS. (2011) “Knowledge Management: Process, Practice and Web 2.0.” Chapter 6 in Easterby-Smith, M and Lyles, MA (Eds) The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management.
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6970 |
M. Richard Bathurst (il/lui) |
Génie civil |
- Géotechnique des tremblements de terre
- Bathurst, R.J., Hatami, K. and Alfaro, M.C. 2021. Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls and slopes - seismic aspects, Chapter 19, Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering, Third edition, Editor: S.K. Shukla, ICE Publishing, London, UK, 371-415.
Tada, T., Miyata, Y. and Bathurst, R.J. 2018. Energy grade line analysis of tsunami run-up on the Sendai Plain after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Coastal Engineering 140: 306-315
- Technique de terrassement
- Bathurst, R.J. 2023. Chapter 24 Geosynthetics: 5th Edition Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, 2023.
Bathurst, R.J. 2023. Chapter 21 Reinforced Soil Walls (MSE walls): 5th Edition Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, 2023.
Miyata, Y., Bathurst, R.J. and Takano, D. 2021. Ports, waterways and coastal structures. Chapter 17, Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering, Third edition, Editor: S.K. Shukla, ICE Publishing, London, UK, 343-351.
Van Dyk, A., Bathurst, R.J., Maher, M. and Boone, S. 2017. Design, Construction, Maintenance and Inspection Guide for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls, Transportation Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada. 136 p.
Damians, I.P., Bathurst, R.J., Adroguer, E.G., Josa, A. and Lloret, A. 2018. Sustainability assessment of earth retaining wall structures. Environmental Geotechnics 5(4): 187-203
- Sciences humaines et sociales
- Bathurst, R.J., Zeeb, B., Reimer, K. and Rowe, R.K. Case Study of a Novel Geocomposite Barrier System for Hydrocarbon Containment on Brevoort Island, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates - ARCSACC 2005, Edmonton, Alberta, 8-10 May, 2005, 10 p.
Anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6479 |
M. Adam Chapnick (il/lui) |
Études de la défense |
- Politique étrangère du Canada; Relations canado-américaines; Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies; Politique au Canada
Anglais | |
(416) 482-6800, poste 6853 |
Dr Christian Leuprecht |
Science politique et économie |
- Défense, sécurité nationale, renseignement, cybersécurité, démographie, sécurité frontalière, arctique/antarctique, géopolitique, OTAN, criminalité financière et économique
- Intelligence as Democratic Statecraft (OUP, 2021)
Patterns in Border Security (Routledge, 2022) Polar Cousins: Antarctic and Arctic Geostrategic Futures (University of Calgary Press, 2022) Security. Cooperation. Governance. (University of Michigan Press, 2023) Dirty Money: Financial Crime in Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023)
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000; poste 6428; (800) 352-8979 |
Dr Stéphanie Bélanger (elle/la) |
Langue française, littérature et culture |
- Recherche en santé des militaires et des vétérans
- C0-founder, Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research - Co-fondatrice, Institut canadien de recherche sur la santé des militaires et des vétérans
Co-Editor in Chief, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger and David Pedlar, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, University of Toronto Press, since Feb 2015, 5 issues per year. Open Access:
Stéphanie A. H. Bélanger, Pierre Jolicoeur and Stéphanie von Hlatky, The New Directions in Foreign Policy, Military, and Security Studies series, proposing to examine topics in foreign policy, military and security studies in the contemporary era, and offering fresh perspectives on foreign affairs and global governance with an emphasis on the human dimensions of war – including the health and well-being of soldiers, factors that influence operational effectiveness, civil-military relations and decisions on the use of force ,as well as the ethical, moral and legal ramification of ongoing conflicts and wars. Funded in June 2016.
Français, anglais | |
(613) 539-2936 |
Dr Joel Sokolsky |
Science politique et économie |
- Politique canadienne de défense
- Joseph T, Jockel and Joel J. Sokolsky Canada in NATO, 1949-2019, Montreal , McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021
- Politique maritime moderne
- "Joel J. Sokolsky “The International Fraternity of the Uniform: Implications for Civil–Military Relations,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, March 2021 /9780190228637.001.0001/acrefore-9780190228637-e-1875
- Politique de défense et politique étrangère des États-Unis
- Joel Sokolsky “Multilateral-Richard Gary Colbert (1915-1973),” John B. Hattendorf and Bruce A. Elleman, Eds., Nineteen-Gun Salute: Case Studies of Operational, Strategic, and Diplomatic Naval Leadership during the 20th and Early 21st Centuries (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 2010).
Anglais | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6911 |
Dr Frédéric Labarre (il/lui) |
Études sur la guerre et science politique |
- L’histoire stratégique, les relations entre l’OTAN et la Russie, l’Europe centrale et de l’Est, le Caucase du Sud, les contextes géopolitique et géostratégique, la défense antimissile et la réforme de la défense
- "The Battle of Tskhinvali Revisited", Small Wars Journal, Oct. 2014. "Defence Innovation and Foreign Policy." In: Black and Johns, eds. Russia after 2012… London: Routledge 2013. "The Sources of Neo-Mercantilism", in Black and Johns, eds. Manotick: Penumbra Press, 2009. "Is Missile Defence Moral?" International Affairs (Journal of the CIIA), Vol. 60, summer 2005.
Anglais, français | |
(343) 580-7776 |
Dr François Rivest (il/lui) |
Mathématiques et informatique |
- Intelligence artificielle
- Gasmallah, G., Rivest, F., Zulkernine, F., & Breton, M. (2023, to appear) Quantifying Path Smoothness in Video Object Tracking by Detection. The 36th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CanAI 2023).
Suman, S, Etemad, A., & Rivest, F.. (2022, early access) Towards Personalization of User Preferences in Partially Observable Smart Home Environments. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
Zwicker, J., & Rivest, F. (2022) Interval Timing: Modelling the Break-run-break Pattern Using Start/stop Threshold-less Drift–diffusion Model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 108. [JCR 5-YIF 2.61]
Hogan, I., Qiao, D., Luo, R., Moattari, M., Carthy, M., Zulkernine, F., Rivest, F., Breton, M. (2021), FireWarn: Fire Hazards Detection Using Deep Learning Models. 2021 IEEE Third International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI).
S. Suman, A. Etemad, F. Rivest. (2021, early access) Potential Impacts of Smart Homes on Human Behavior: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
Anglais, français | |
(613) 541-6000, poste 6232 |