K. Weber

K. Weber
Professeur, Directeur groupe des sciences de l'environnement (GSE)
Sawyer Mod 5, suite 5510
(613) 541-6000 poste 6610; CSN : 271-6610
Département de Chimie et génie chimique

Adresse du collège

Collège militaire royal du Canada
CP 17000, Succursale Forces
Kingston (Ontario) CANADA
K7K 7B4


  • PhD, Waterloo
  • MASc, Waterloo
  • BAsc, Waterloo

Intérêts de recherche

  • Sites contaminés
  • Substances perfluoroalkylées et polyfluoroalkylées (SPFA)
  • Zones humides de traitement

Publication récentes

  • Patch, D., O’Connor, N., Vereecken, T., Murphy, D., Munoz, G., Ross, I., Glover, C., Scott, J., Koch, I., Sauve, S., Liu, J., Weber, K.P. 2023. «Advancing PFAS Characterization: Enhancing the Total Oxidizable Precursor Assay with Improved Sample Processing and UV Activation.» Science of the Total Environment. 909, 168145.
  • O'Connor, N., Patch, D., Noble, D., Scott, J., Koch, I., Mumford, K. G., Weber, K. 2023. «Forever no more: Complete mineralization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using an optimized UV/sulfite/iodide system.» Science of the Total Environment. 888, 164137.
  • Turner, L.P., Kueper, B.H., Patch, D.J., Weber K.P. 2023. «Elucidating the Relationship between PFOA and PFOS Destruction, Particle Size and Electron Generation in Amended Media Commonly Found in Soils.» Science of the Total Environment. 888, 164188
  • Rowe, R.K., Barakat, F.B., Patch, D., Weber, K. 2023. «Diffusion and partitioning of different PFAS compounds through thermoplastic polyurethane and three different PVC-EIA liners.» Science of the Total Environment. 892, 164229.


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