Greg Siemens

Greg Siemens
Greg Siemens
Professeur titulaire, PhD, P.Eng.
Édifice Sawyer, 3418
(613) 541-6000 poste 6396 CSN:271-6396
(613) 541-6218
Département de génie civil

Adresse du collège

Collège militaire royal du Canada
CP 17000, Succursale Forces
Kingston (Ontario) CANADA
K7K 7B4

Engineering Centre Queen's‑CMR
Département de génie civil
Collège militaire royal du Canada

13 General Crerar
Kingston (Ontario) Canada K7K 7B4

Domaines de recherche ​

  • Géotechnique du climat
  • Interactions sol-climat-infrastructure
  • Ingénierie des régions froides
  • Comportement hydraulique-mécanique du sol insaturé
  • Modélisation physique de systèmes thermo- hydrauliques reposant sur l'usage de terre transparente
  • Comportement constitutif des sols gonflants
  • Comportement hydraulique des systèmes sol-géosynthétique
  • Nous sommes à la recherche d'étudiants qualifiés pour participer à des projets liés à ces domaines. Les personnes intéressées devraient communiquer directement avec M. Siemens.

Formation universitaire

  • Doctorat en philosophie (en génie civil géotechnique), Département de génie civil, Université du Manitoba, (Travaux de cours terminés à l'Université d'Alberta), 2006.
  • Baccalauréat ès sciences (en génie civil), Département de génie civil, Université du Manitoba, 2003


  • Transports Canada Fonds national des corridors commerciaux
  • Gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest
  • Subvention de recherche de L'Impériale
  • Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
  • Fonds de recherche en Ontario : Infrastructure de recherche
  • Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG)
  • La Société de gestion des déchets nucléaires (SGDN)
  • Énergie atomique du Canada limitée (EACL)
  • Programme de recherche de l'Académie canadienne (APR)
  • Fonds de démarrage du CMR

Prix et bourses

  • Atelier TA sur l'ingénierie géotechnique – 25 juin 2021 – Conférence invitée

  • Atelier indo-canadien sur la conception interactive en génie géotechnique : de la théorie à la pratique – 1 octobre 2020 – Conférence invitée

  • XVIe Conférence panaméricaine sur la mécanique des sols et l'ingénierie géotechnique 17-20 novembre 2019 – Conférence invitée

  • 2017 Tournée de conférences du Colloque géotechnique canadien – Société canadienne de géotechnique (SCG)

  • 2015 Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium – Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS)

  • 2014 Choix du rédacteur en chef – Canadian Geotechnical Journal Siemens, G.A., Take, W.A. and Peters, S.B. 2014.  Physical and numerical modeling of infiltration including consideration of the pore air phase. Canadian Geotechnical Journal – Thematic Issue on Unsaturated Soils. 51: 1475–1487.

  • 2013 Prix du plus jeune membre 2013 - International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

  • 2012 Choix du rédacteur en chef - Rowe, R.K., Rayhani, M.T., Take, W.T., Siemens, G., and Brachman, R.W.I. 2011. " GCL hydration under simulated daily thermal cycles ", Geosynthetics International, 18(4): 196-205.

  • 2010 Mention honorable pour le meilleur article - Siemens, G.A. and Bathurst, R.J. 2010. " Numerical parametric investigation of infiltration in one-dimensional sand-geotextile columns ", Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 28: 460-476.

  • Siemens, G.A. and Bathurst, R.J.  2010.  Numerical parametric investigation of infiltration in one-dimensional sand-geotextile columns.  Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 28: 460-476.

  • 2006 Société canadienne de géotechnique, prix de la meilleure présentation (étudiants des cycles supérieurs), 

Publications choisies

  1. Laporte, S., Eichhorn, G., Kingswood, J., Siemens, G. and Beddoe, R. 2023. Physical modelling of climate-soil-infrastructure interactions of paved roadways constructed in expansive soil. Transportation Geotechnics.

  2. Clarkson, C., Eichhorn, G.N., Siemens, G. 2023. Centrifuge modelling of axially loaded steel piles in cold and warming permafrost. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics.

  3. Mardani, A., Abbaspour, A., Tanyu, B.F., Siemens, G., Likos, W., and Bathurst, R.J. 2023. Large-scale hydraulic performance testing of a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall constructed with recycled concrete aggregate backfill. In press (May 2023), ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal Special Issue on Recycled Materials for Sustainable Geotechnical Construction.

  4. Ross, C.R., Siemens, G.A. and Beddoe, R.A. 2022. Initialization of thermal models for warm and cold permafrost, Arctic Science. 8: 362–394, [].

  5. Siemens, G.A., Oldroyd, C., and Beddoe, R.A. 2021. High resolution spatial and temporal degree of saturation measurements for two-dimensional near surface phenomena using unsaturated transparent soil. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 44:(6), 25 pages [].

  6. Taylor-Noonan, A., Siemens, G., Cabrera, M.A., Arpin, N.A., Parera, F., and Take W.A. 2020. Stability of saturated granular columns: role of stress-dilatancy and air-entry. Physics of Fluids. 33, 033309 [].

  7. Kennedy, R., Take, W.A., and Siemens, G. 2020. Geotechnical centrifuge modelling of retrogressive sensitive clay landslides. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 58(10): 1452-1465. [].

  8. Kennedy, R., Siemens, G., and Take, W.A. 2020. On casting of clay specimens of bespoke shear strength and sensitivity for landslide modeling. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. Special Issue on Physical modelling of landslides. 20:(4), 198-211 [].

  9. Abootalebi, P. and Siemens, G. 2019. Short-term thermal modelling of a conceptual deep geological repository in Canada. Environmental Geotechnics, 7(1): 17-31, [].

  10. Abootalebi, P. and Siemens, G.A. 2018. Thermal properties of engineered barriers for a Canadian deep geological repository. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(6): 759-776 [].

  11. Siemens, G.A., Bathurst, R.J. and Miyata, Y. 2018. Numerical simulation and parametric analysis of multi-anchor walls using the finite element method. Transportation Geotechnics, 15: 57-69 [].

  12. Siddiqua, S., Tabiatnejad, B., and Siemens, G. 2018. Impact of pore fluid chemistry on the thermal conductivity of bentonite-sand mixture. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:8 [].

  13. Siemens, G.A. 2017. Thirty-ninth Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium: Unsaturated Soil Mechanics: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, [55:7, 909-927 [].

  14. Sills, L-A.S., Mumford, K.G., and Siemens, G.A. 2017. Quantification of fluid saturations in transparent porous media. Vadose Zone Journal. 16(2), 2-9 [doi: 10.2136/vzj2016.06.0052].

  15. Martin, E., Mumford, K., Kueper, B., and Siemens, G.A. 2017. Gas formation in sand and clay during electrical resistance heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 110: 855-862 [doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.03.056].

  16. Lim, B.F. and Siemens, G.A. 2016. A unifying framework for modeling swelling soil behaviour. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 53(9): 1495-1509 [doi: 10.1139/cgj-2015-0049].

  17. Tabiatnejad, B., Siddiqua, S. and Siemens, G.A. 2016. Impact of pore fluid salinity on the mechanical behavior of unsaturated bentonite-sand mixture. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 1434, 10 pp. [doi: 10.1007/s12665-016-6246-5].

  18. Siemens, G.A., Mumford, K.G. and Kucharczuk, D. 2015. Characterization of variably transparent soil for heat transport experiments. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal - Special Issue on Transparent Soils. 38:5, 620-630 [doi: 10.1520/GTJ20140218].

  19. Siemens, G.A., Take, W.A. and Peters, S.B. 2014.  Physical and numerical modeling of infiltration including consideration of the pore air phase. Canadian Geotechnical Journal – Thematic Issue on Unsaturated Soils. 51: 1475–1487 [doi: 10.1139/cgj-2013-0447]. Sélection « Choix de l'éditeur » pour CGJ et accès libre complémentaire.

  20. Siddiqua, S., Siemens, G., Blatz, J.A., Man, A., and Lim, B.F. 2014. Influence of pore fluid chemistry on the mechanical properties of clay-based materials. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 32: 1029-1042 [doi: 10.1007/s10706-014-9778-z].

  21. Lim, B.F. and Siemens, G.A.  2013.  An unconfined swelling test for clayey soils that incorporates digital image correlation. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal. 36:6 823-833 [doi: 10.1520/GTJ20120220].

  22. Rowe, R.K., Rayhani, M.T., Take, W.A., Siemens, G.A. and Brachman, R.W.I.  2013.  Physical modeling of GCL shrinkage under simulated field conditions. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 40: 12-19 [doi: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2013.07.008].

  23. Siemens, G.A., Peters, S.B. and Take, W.A. 2013.  Comparison of confined and unconfined infiltration in transparent porous media.  Water Resources Research, 49: 851-863
    [doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20101]. 

  24. Powell, J.S., Siemens, G.A., Take, W.A. and Remenda, V.H.  2013.  Characterizing the swell potential of Bearpaw Shale. Engineering Geology, 158: 89-97
    [doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.03.006].

  25. Powell, J.S., Siemens, G.A., Take, W.A. and Remenda, V.H. 2012.  Influence of specimen geometry on sample disturbance observed in oedometric testing of clay shales.  ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35(5): 771-783 [doi: 10.1520/GTJ104172].

  26. Siemens, G., Take, W.A., Rowe, R.K.R. and Brachman, R.W.I.  2012.  Numerical investigation of transient hydration of unsaturated geosynthetic clay liners.  Geosynthetics International, 19(3): 232-251, [doi: 10.1680/gein.12.00011].

  27. Powell, J.S., Take, W.A., Siemens, G.A. and Remenda, V.H.  2012.  Time dependent behavior of the Bearpaw Shale in oedometric loading and unloading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49(4): 427-441, [doi: 10.1139/T2012-004].

  28. Peters, S., Siemens, G., Take, W.A. 2011.  Characterization of transparent soil for unsaturated applications. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal Special Issue on Innovations in Characterizing the Mechanical and Hydrological Properties of Unsaturated Soil, 34(5): 445-456, [doi: 10.1520/GTJ103580].

  29. Rayhani, M.T., Rowe, R.K., Brachman, R.W.I., Take, W.A. and Siemens. G.A. 2011.  Factors affecting GCL hydration under isothermal conditions. Geotextiles & Geomembranes, 29(6): 525-533 [doi: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2011.06.001].

  30. Rowe, R.K., Rayhani, M.T., Take, W.T., Siemens, G., and Brachman, R.W.I. 2011.  GCL Hydration under Simulated Daily Thermal Cycles. Geosynthetics International, 18(4): 196-205, [doi: 10.1680/gein.2011.18.4.196].1 Sélection de l'éditeur 2011 – Geosynthetics International.

  31. Siddiqua, S., Blatz, J.A. and Siemens, G.A.  2010.  Evaluation of pore fluid chemistry on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of clay based sealing materials.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(2): 119-213, [doi: 10.1139/T10-064].

  32. Siddiqua, S., Blatz, J.A. and Siemens, G.A.  2010.  Experimental study on the performance of light backfill and dense backfill.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(2): 214-225,
    [doi: 10.1139/T10-057]. 

  33. Siemens, G.A. and Bathurst, R.J.  2010.  Numerical parametric investigation of infiltration in one-dimensional sand-geotextile columns.  Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 28: 460-476 [doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.20 09.12.0 09].Mention honorable 2010 pour le meilleur article – Géotextiles et géomembranes.

  34. Siemens, G.A. and Blatz, J.A.  2009.  Evaluation of the influence of boundary confinement on the behaviour of unsaturated swelling clay soils.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal.  46(3): 339-356, [doi: 10.1139/T08-125].

  35. Bathurst, R.J., Siemens, G.A. and Ho, A.F.  2009.  Experimental investigation of infiltration ponding in one-dimensional sand-geotextile columns.  Geosynthetics International, 16(3): 158-172, [doi: 10.1680/gein.2009.16.3.158].

  36. Siemens, G.A., Blatz, J.A., and Ruth, D.G.  2007.  A capillary tube model for transient two-phase flow through swelling soil.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal.  44(12):  1446-1461
    [doi: 10.1139/T07-065].

  37. Blatz, J.A., Anderson, D.E.S. and Siemens, G.A.  2007.  Evaluation of the transitional inelastic behaviour of unsaturated clay-sand mixtures.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal.  44(4):  436-446 [doi: 10.1139/t06-128].

  38. Siemens, G.A. and Blatz, J.A.  2007.  Development of a hydraulic conductivity apparatus for bentonite soils.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal.  44(8):  997-1005 [doi: 10.1139/T07-025].

  39. Siemens, G.A. and Blatz, J.A.  2007.  A triaxial apparatus for applying liquid infiltration with controlled boundary conditions and internal suction measurement.  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.  133(6): 748-752 [doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241].


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