Photos by Corporal Brandon James Liddy, RMC Public Affairs
Who would think that modernizing a kitchen would improve environment protection and have such a tremendous positive impact on the health, safety and a renewed sense of pride amongst its staff?
As a result of work by Defence Construction Canada, the Canadian Defence Academy, and the Canadian Forces Real Property Operations Detachment Kingston, $27M was invested into the Cadet Dining Hall (CDH) kitchen at Royal Military College (RMC) to increase both food production capacity and environmental protection.
The significant investment provides a safer working and food service environment, improved food quality, and two large food waste digesters that neither cause methane nor create any odor thereby contributing to a better breathing environment for the kitchen staff and lessen the amount of waste.
By treating the food waste on site, "the bio digesters are reducing the carbon footprint” explained Solutions Foodservices Group's Sandra MacInnis, who provided an overview to the kitchen staff on how to operate the digesters at RMC.
Over 1,100 naval and officer cadets of the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP), 800 sea cadets of HMCS Ontario and RMC's hardworking kitchen staff will benefit from an improved food production area, bigger and safer servery, new HVAC system, and reduction in noise level to name a few improvements.
“Designed in 1957 to feed 500 student and subsequently for 800, the upgrades to this kitchen have been a very long time coming, and it’s a real boost to everyone’s moral,”
In normal times, RMC's CDH is the second busiest Mess Hall in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). On any given day, CDH kitchen serves over 3,300 meals a day and provides extra meals and box lunches for RMC's varsity teams.
Applicants who wish to join ROTP students should submit their application as soon as possible through Forces.ca. Offers will be made in May, and training will begin in June.
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